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Jared, Rita, and Ian come back home to join William and Wolf in the investigation. Rita response to Wolf, "Nor is this your house alone!" she yells.

Anna interferes, "Will you stop yelling" Rita grins back at her. William leans back on sofa spreads his arms wide and takes a comfortable position as if he is seating in a cinema hall.

Rodney's thought over it 'He is a total savage, he enjoys this kind of stuff thoroughly from bottom of his heart.' Rodney leans on the wall beside him 'Lean back and enjoy the show.'

Rita, "Who are you to ordering around the house, this is not your home."

"Shut Up!" Wolf screams, "Don't talk to her like that, who are you anyway? You don't belong to this family, you are just an outsider who got in because we had no choice but to accept you."

Jared yells in aggression, "Wolf! She is now a Millsaps and she is my wife. Don't you dare speak that way again."

"That's how you speak with your big brother. You filthy little brat!" Wolf yells back at Jared.

William seats back on the sofa and keeps observing them. 'Why is Ian quit? Is he enjoying just like me?' William keeps glaring at Ian. Just then Ian realizes it and he then moves away slightly from Rita.

"Don't you teach others how they should
Behave, especially not you, who sleep with every woman who walks."

Ian roars interfering, "Shut the hell up! Have you forgotten we have a guest in our house, I am repeating again our house."

Everyone is brought back to their senses by Ian and his thunderous roar. William raises his eyebrow glaring at Ian. Jared, Rita, and Wolf face back at William. Rodney positions himself right at the back of William.

Anna is slightly scared by the grueling arguments and ear-splitting roars. 'I hope Wolf doesn't lose his mind, Wolf stay focused don't mess it up'

Rodney has a smirk on his face, standing tall behind William. William finally speaks, "Is the family drama over?" he rolls his eyes through all Millsaps members. He then looks at Anna, "You are not Millsaps Sorry darling!" William laughs. Wolf is not pleased rather angry at William and his little games.

Wolf says, "Get to the point and stop your pathetic shitty mind games."

William replies, "I guess the family drama is finally over."

Rita questions, "Who is this madman anyway?"

Wolf replies, "He is Investigator from Crime Branch."

"Crime Branch, why is he here?"

William responds, "I am from Crime Branch so it obvious I am here to investigate the crime."

Rita questions, "What crime? Did you do anything Wolf? With this girl?" pointing at Anna.

Wolf answers, "Will you keep your mouth shut? He is talking about Dad."

"It was an accident doesn't he know?" Jared questions.

William interferes, "I am going to expose the killer and know what, that killer is one of you."

Rita replies, "Is he mad? It was not a murder do you get It."

"From the tone of it, I have a feeling you are the killer. Aren't you?" William questions. Rita does not respond and answer his questions.

Ian says, "Are you Rita?" mocking her.

Rita responds, "Please! Ian, I am not."

William looks back at Rodney, "What do you think Rodney?"

"I am sure of it, she is the killer." He answers William.

"You need to prove it. Don't just stand and fire in the dark." Rita challenges William.

"So you asking a proof, think before you wish," William asks Rita.

"I know I am not the killer. Why should I fear." Rita answers William.

"Every criminal think he is innocent until he is caught."

"What do you mean?" Rita questions William.

"I have a proof you are the murderer," William announces. Ian is stunned. Jared is speechless, standing with his mouth open, stunned at his place. Wolf is totally amazed at the announcement and shocked at the same time. Rodney stands behind William with a wide smirk on his face. Anna is scared to even more after William's declaration.

William questions, "Shall we get started?" Rita can't believe him 'how can he have a proof of the crime.' She stands stunned at her place for a minute.

Is Rita the Murderer?
Has William solved it already?
Find out in the next Chapter.

****** AUTHOR'S NOTE ******


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