Author's Note

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This is not a chapter! Lol

I am especially writing this to remind you that If you like the story please vote for the chapter. I will appreciate if you do so.

This is the first draft I have not really editing it unless only for grammatical errors. If you find any mistakes please feel free to tell me in private message.

Do comment how you feel when reading the story. I will appreciate that, as I need to know what the readers think about the story.

Thank you for tolerating me and reading the note.

A new chapter will be published in this week, on Friday as per my schedule. Thank you for reading the story so far. I hope you will stick until the end. I have really worked a lot for the best climax. I hope you enjoy it.

|Nasty Secrets Of The Billionaire|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें