Chapter 7

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At night, Rita shutdowns her parlor and drive back home. Still frustrated from the conversation with William in his fake personality. She comes home and unlocks the main door of the house. She opens the door to see Ian lying on the sofa crunching on the chips in the plastic.

'Bastard! Son of a bitch. I want to slap him hard.' She Rush's towards the bedrooms, searching whole house trying to find someone. Ian keenly keeps a watch on her movement. After some efforts, Rita comes back in the hall of the house. She glazes at Ian, not able to find someone she wants. She approaches Ian, he cunningly ignores her and increases the noise of the TV set.

She gets more frustrated than before, "Where is Wolf!?" She screams. Ian ignores and starts making instrumental noises, whistles and pretends Rita doesn't even exist. With this notorious acts, Rita's frustration grows even more. She screams again at Ian, "Turn the volume down!" with no effect on Ian.

She pulls the remote of TV and shuts it down to grab Ian's attention. After switching TV down she slams the remote make a noise to seek Ian's attention. Ian finally gives her a much-needed attention.

"What?" he questions.
"I should be the one asking questions, where is Wolf?"

"Help yourself" he sighs.
"Just answer what I asked" she grinds her teeth's in process.

"Why do you want him now in the night?"
"Ian! Asshole! Answer me!" she is getting worked up.

"Why don't you try me? I am not that had a performer" he grins. He just gave her a reason to slap him in his face. "Look I am in no mood to fight you. Just answer if you know where is Wolf?" She questions.

"Why don't you find him yourself Slut!" Just then Jared hears Ian. He enters the house screaming at Ian, "Ian! Mind your language!"
"Ask your beloved husband, he may have answers to your questions" grins at Rita. Ian walks into his bedroom.

Meanwhile, Wolf enters a nightclub with style. Walking with great confidence and a smile on his face. He catches a face in the crowd. A young beautiful face, a young girl with her girlfriends have a chat with them. She looks at Wolf and a brief eye contact occurs between them. Speaking with each other with uttering a word, communicating only through eyes like they have some psychic powers.

She turns her self to her friends after brief contact. He within few seconds approach her and her friends. He looks at her and then turns at her girlfriends, "Hey! Do you know Juliet?" he asks with a big grin on her face. The girl surprised by Wolf's actions, her friend replies "Right beside you" pointing at her.

"What a coincidence, did your parents named you knowing you will meet me, your Caesar"
"Nice try but my name is not Juliet." She smiles.

"It doesn't matter now, I have already made you my Juliet" she confidently smiles, "Wanna dance?" he lifts his hand up for her.
"Nice pickup line, who taught you that?" she grabs his hand. They both walk towards dance stage.

"Your love taught me. What is your name?"
"Anna is my name", she giggles when she utters.

Meanwhile, William reads the reports of Dustin's murder. His assistant seat in front of him, "What are your thoughts on the case" he questions William.

"Guess what am I thinking."
"You sure are thinking about promotion if you solve this case."

William gives him a stare, "Only Wolf is remained to be studied, Rodney" he answers Rodney, his assistant.

"Now, let's start our preparation for the confrontation" he commands Rodney.

Next morning, Wolf sleeping in his bedroom beside Anna, wakes up from the doorbell. "Who is it, early in the morning?" He gets out of his bed with sluggish moments. He walks to the hall and ring bells again. Anna wakes up from the second bell, "Coming!" Wolf's shouts before reaching the door. Anna rubs her eyes, "Who the hell is it so early in the morning. Wolf and Anna are the only people in the house at the moment.

He opens the door to be surprised by the guest standing in his doors. Unexpected guests arrived at the door, Wolf is surprised by it, "Don't you think it's too early to give a visit?"
"Mister don't you think you lost sense of time?" Wolf yearns with sleepy face and half closed eyes not able to see clearly, he rubs his eyes and looks back at the visitor. 'Who is this guy?' Wolf questions himself.

Who is this unexpected guest at the door?
What will be William's next move?
Find out in next chapter.

****** AUTHOR'S NOTE ******


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