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In the darkness of the night, the man holding a stick, patrol the building. He walks at the back of the building, a big wall separates the guard and the vacant land behind the wall. Tall Grass has grown over the wide land sheltering animals and insects. Ant colony raised over the land at the height of a 3rd-grade child. The guard keeps looking over the area for thief's and robber. He takes a look at his watch, which reveals the time. Watch shows 5 minutes to midnight.

In an instant, he hears a loud noise. Like a stone or rather a heavy stone crashing on the ground.

15 hours ago.

Wolf, the eldest son ties the shoes up, a gym bag rest beside him, he picks it up and stands to see Rita come from the door inside. "Good morning," he says. "Good morning handsome" she replies and walks in, she runs her hand over him while passing by.

' That bitch for real didn't she had enough last night ' Wolf drives to the gym. He enters the gym like a playboy giving smiles to all the women's around him. ' That one is good ' he walks and approaches the girl. She has just unmounted from the bicycle. She stands in front of the mirror. Her legs spread wide apart showing her toned thighs and her back. She turns to the side revealing her curvy S shape and her toned abdomen. Wolf is totally stunned by her beautiful face, ' Man you had so many girls she isn't special. Hunt her Down! '

Jared, Old man's 2nd son. Jared is seating on a chair with his both feet on the table resting on top of each other. "What price do they want it for?" he asks his employee. "$ 2000 sir" Jared stands up in an instant "What the fuck?!" He roars "Do they think I am selling a bitch her? Tell them my restaurant is not so pathetic that I will sell it at such a low price." he said.

After a while, He enters the restaurant and walks in the kitchen. "I have not slept in last 2 days. Bring me some whiskey," he commands. His employee brings the glass with whiskey and soda bottle beside it.
' Bastard! Keep doing this and you will be on road begging. '

Jared Pours the soda into the whiskey and gags all whiskey up his throat. "Hey! Babes I mean... What's that ... Your name?" She replies " Eva Sir!" ' Bastard! Now what? '
Jared moves his finger back and forth towards Eva. She walks towards him. "You know, you are beautiful no... You are super hot! What.... do you think about me?" he utters and grins at her with his drunken face. ' Dirty asshole you will never have me '

"I have a boyfriend, Sir! I am sorry" she replies. "Doesn't matter, I am your boss. Forget about him I am rich" she forces a smile wondering what to do. Another employee enter. "Jack reporting sir!" he crosses his hand behind his back. "You bastard! Don't know how to work. I will fire you, get lost!" he roars on Jack. "Son of a bitch" he mutters.

Meanwhile, Dustin, Old man comes back home after his walk. Has a glass of juice he picks from the fridge. He walks into the balcony remembering his old glory days.

He met his wife in the college where they both studied. He went on to marry her. After graduation, he worked in a firm for 3 years. After ending the contract with the firm, he started his workshop on a small scale. He struggled through time to build a business empire. Faces of his sons from their childhood flashes in front of him.

On the day when he made Wolf his successor illuminate in front of him. He clearly remembers it.

"Son I proudly am going to announce that from now on Wolf my eldest son will be the caretaker until I died. After my death, he will be the true owner of my business" he announces before the audience at a party. "Thank you, dad!" Wolf smiles as tears flow through his eyes. Ian, Jared, and Rita look stunned and surprised. Wolf glares at them carrying a wicked smile. ' Stupid Old man, Fuck this ' Ian struggles to accept it. He walks away from the party.

' Have I made a mistake? Ian was not happy nor Jared was. Wolf was filled with ecstasy and... take a look at him now. Wolf, you are not that deserving as I thought that day. You have changed '


The guard rushes towards the direction of the explosion. He holds the torch up in the air to flash it on the ground. He paces towards it, his vision shows a man fallen on the ground. His was fallen on his chest. He could not see, as his vision was blurry. So he blows his whistle hard and fast to alert other guards.

Who do you think is the man fallen on the ground?
Is it an accident? Or a Suicide?
Is it a murder? If yes who is the murderer?
Answer me on comments.
****** AUTHORS NOTE ******

I will keep updating on a regular basis, every week. If you liked the story, please vote and share. I will really appreciate that. Let me know how was the story in comments.

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