Chapter 4

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Next day.

Ian is lying on the bed like an owl, he was awake the whole night. His eyes itching and turned blood red making anyone who watches those eye tremble in fear. The viewer can feel the pain watching those bloody eyes. ‘Hell with him! Dad was killed how can William conclude it? I need to plan something, I should not be victimized for murder.’  Ian not able to think straight after being awake the whole night. He clenches his head with his strong arms to cure his headache. ‘I should sleep now.’ Ian goes to bed trying to shut his eyes but sun rays flash on his eye in the early morning.

He goes and closes the curtains to make the room dark and cool. He hops back to bed tired and stressed out after thinking for hours at end. His brain exhausted and reduced in size after relentless thinking.

It’s 10 in the morning. All the corporates and offices are at work. William walks in the gate of a restaurant named ‘Fresh Food Restaurant’ He walks into the restaurant holding a file and pen trapped in it. On other shoulder hanging a handbag containing some papers and few files. He has a camera around his hips.

He moves inside the restaurant. He takes a look around. Empty tables and only a few tables with people having breakfast. Interior looks awfully odd and old. The floor turned grey at corners, not so good hygienic restaurant we can call It. The few people having food looks like they are eating shit. They have disgustingly awfully expressions on their faces.

‘This restaurant is nasty!’ he walks up to the reception. A young pretty lady says “Hello! Sir, how can I help you?” William’s face turn reddish and a wide smile spreads on his face “You can help me in many ways, It’s up to you what you prefer?”

“I didn’t get you?”

“I want to meet the owner of the restaurant. May I?” he gets more serious 'She is not a whore. She didn’t even understand me?' He turns back to look at the customers and their awfully disappointed faces.

“Sir! Can I know who are you?”

“I am Dillon Strickland. I am a journalist from Time magazine.”

“Why do you want to meet him?”

“Tell him this interview will improve your reputation in public.”

The receptionist lady calls him on the phone. She listens to what he is telling and charmingly keeps the phone. “He will be here in few minutes.”

William takes a seat on the dinner table. He waits as 5 minutes goes by. The customers moves out of the restaurant. 15 minutes goes by, William now gets tired of waiting. “When will he be here?”

“Wait he will be here in next five minutes” she answers.

William so keeps waiting as another 5 minutes pass him. Now he becomes impatient and roams around the restaurant. A man enters from the door. William keep an eye on him. He walks in and moves towards the reception. 'Is it him?' The man keeps walking until he reach a table. He pulls the chair and takes a seat. He calls out for waiter to give an order.

Another 5 minutes passes William, Jared is nowhere to be seen. William is frustrated he is waiting for over half an hour for Jared. He walks up to the reception “Is he not here yet!? Pick the phone up, call him and tell him, if he is not here in next 5 minutes I am leaving and no interview again with him.” He roars as the man eating looks at William terrified by his voice. The Receptionist lady shocked, picks up the phone as her hands shiver.

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