chapter 24: Brother

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Akari's POV

there next to a very young suki was a young....deidara. I was shocked. deidara of all people. I was about to tell madara when he asked me a question.

"why is there a list of names. and why did this guy named kyoto make you cry and what does PMS mean?" I stared at madara. how did he not know.

but that reminded me. I missed my period. I thought why and shook my head. thats after this is now. I shoved the picture in his face he stared at it. "so what"

"thats suki's brother" he grabbed the diary and leaned In. he stared at it and looked shocked.

"Deidara!" a minute after he called him deidara came inside. "sit down" he did and I could feel him tense up. "why didnt you tell us suki was your sister? and why did she tell us to find you?"

"well I didnt think it would matter un. and she wanted me to give akari a scroll." deidara stood up gave me a scroll and left. I opened the scroll to be written in my language again.

I read what it said and it was to help me learn suki's storm jutsu and summon a electric jaguar into battle. I put the scroll away and planed to start learning it tomorrow.

I looked toward madara and he was still reading my diary. he seemed amused. "who is yukio. why were you crying after battle number 61. and why every like 30 pages you write PMS at the top?"

I took the diary away and threw it into a drawer. "fuck you" he laughed and tried to get the diary back. I kicked him off the bed. I stood up and went to get a sandwich.

I ran into pein. "wheres saki"

"zetsu is eating her as we speak". he dropped his glass

"what" pein walked toward me in a threating manner.

"1 you cant kill me. 2 I killed her. 3 madara told zetsu to eat the body. so if you have a problem take it with madara" pein walked out of the kitchen and down the hall toward my room.

I made myself a sandwich and started walking back. I turned the corner and I saw madara stomping on pein in the hallway. sasori was video taping it. while deidara, me, and itachi were just watching.

madara stopped and walked back into the room as if nothing happened. pein stood up and kept walking down the hall. itachi chuckled and left. sasori and deidara were reviewing the tape.

I walked into the room seeing madara once again reading. I ignored him and just ate my sandwich. I was half way done with it when I nearly threw up on the bed.

I held it in and ran to the bathroom. I let it go into the toliet I heard madara yell "it better make it into the toilet. im not going to clean it up."

"wow your so supportive." I finished and washed my mouth and went back and layed in bed next to madara. he was still reading

"are you ok"

"I think so" I think I might know whats wrong but ill check it out tomorrow morning.

"I like this diary it has so much gore" I shot him a look I just threw up and he is still focused on my diary.

"You've seen gore in real life reading it is nothing" I yanked the diary away and threw it in a drawer.

Madara didn't seem pleased since he enjoyed it so much. "hey madara did you have a diary"

I saw madara turn red and look away. he muttered some words under his breath and my face grew a smirk

Grand madara uchiha has a diary.

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