Chapter 16: thirsty much

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Akari's POV

I woke up expecting to be greeted with darkness instead I was greeted with Madara's sleeping face and his arms around me. I tried to wiggle out but he held on tight. "hm" I poked him until he woke up. "your annoying"

"yeah good morning to you to" I pushed my self out of his arms and went to take a shower I stood up and fell immediately. madara jumped out of bed and helped me up.

"you're still recovering give your self some time." I nodded and madara layed me down on his bed again.

"Madara-cun I brought you breakfast." a woman entered his room without knocking in a very short skirt and very revealing shirt.

"One you forgot my breakfast." he took the tray away from the woman and gave it to me. "two you entered without knocking" he smacked her across the face "and three put clothes on." she ran out holding her cheek.

"who was she." I asked starting to shove the food down my throat.

"a new member named saki. you're going to choke" he looked disgusted at me.

"im hungry shut up. She's trying to get at you"

"shes a slut."

"Madara-cun I brought u breakfast." this time she knocked and waited for madara to open the door. she was wearing a coat she handed madara his food and he shut the door in her face.

"madara your heartless."

"does it look like I care"

"I can't see below all your ugly" he immediately faced me with his sharingan acticated.

"excuse me"

"you're excused"

"trying to be a smartass are we"

"I learned from the best" I flicked his cheek and layed down on his bed.

"hm" he ignored me. I poked his cheek. he kept ignorning. I flicked his forehead. nothing. I slapped his arm. didnt even flinch. I kicked his stomach. didnt budge an inch. I had enough.

"im horny" madara choked on his food. he spit out his food and faced me with wide eyes and a blush on his face. "ahh got you" he smirked and jumped on me pinning my arms above my head "hey what the hell" I started squirming. he leaned in I started to blush. I panicked and looked away.

"hm" he smirked and got off.

"your horrible"

"you're telling me that after your little stunt. next time I will go all the way whether you want to or not"


"stupid" I jumped on him "amazing you can jump on me but you can't stand"

I wrapped my arms around him "I missed you" he turned around and put me back on his bed. he leaned in and kissed me.

"I missed you too akari"

Saki's POV

I sensed as madara was kissing akari. I had feelings for him but I never thought he would fall for her. she was a human turned demon. I was born a demon. but no he had to fall for her.

I had to get akari to orochimaru. he promised to send me back to my own world if I did. I had to take the chance whether it was right or wrong.

madara is my goal and akari is orochimaru. and we will achieve it no matter what

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