chapter 5: the confrontation

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Madara's POV

'madara' how did she know. she had closed the door in my face, I need an answer. I looked around no akatsuki members in sight. they must be helping kisame. I tried opening the door by using the handle. no shit she locked the door.

I have to force my way through. I kicked the door open Akari was on her bed laying down. she bolted up when I broke down her door. she looked pissed not at me breaking her door but me in general.

Akari's POV

the bastard broke my door. what the hell does he want. I sighed and stood up. I looked over at him, he was putting the door back in the doorway. he started walking towards me.

"may I help you. if not GET THE FUCK OUT" he stopped in his tracks and I sensed he was pissed.

"how do you know im Madara" he said coldly with venom in his voice. he had a voice much deeper than tobi.

"lucky guess now leave" I wasn't going to tell him the truth. I looked away and next thing I knew I was pinned to a wall and his face was inches from mine. I tried not to blush. why do I want to blush I hate him.

"tell me or ill slit your throat" he held a kunai to my throat he pressed on it and was greeted with blood.

"like I care you cant kill me we both know that. your threats wont work." I smirked knowing I had owned the uchiha.

"I may not be able to kill you but I can torture you" he activated his sharingan.

"if I tell you, you fucking leave." he nodded and loosened his grip. "I have, if you want to call it, a special kekkei genkai. not the normal one my clan possesses but one which I gained when I traved over to the demon world. it lets me see my foes weakness, chakra, and name."

"very well" I thought he was going to let me go but he tightened his grip "if you tell anyone im madara you are dead" I laughed.

"I cant be killed"

"ill find a way" he finally let me go. he turned around and hit the door open. it fell but it didnt hit the floor it hit an unsuspecting deidara on the head. he collapsed on to the floor out cold. I laughed and madara turned to look at me. I blushed.

I heard the uchiha snicker not at deidara but at me and with that he left. why did I blush. it makes no sense. I walked over to deidara and picked him up.

"dont fucking tell me you killed deidara." I turned around and saw sasori walking over.

"holy crap you do care for deidara. and no tobi knocked him out cold with my door is kisame alright." sasori gave me a face saying ' it was a rhetorical question '

"he will live but he isnt in the best of shape." he walked passed me and opened the door for me. I  walked in and threw deidara onto his bed.

I smirked as I looked at him he was out cold. I guess sasori saw me smirking and said "markers are in the top drawer. tape and scissors are in the one below it" I nodded and ran over to sasori and hugged him.

"thank you sasori-danna" he looked confused and pissed I grabbed markers and scissors.  "wanna help me" sasori smirked and walked over. we started giving deidara a makeover.

Madara's POV

I walked past deidara's and sasori's room. I looked in and saw Akari hugging sasori. why is she hugging him. why do I care. I kept walking but I gained something. it was a small burning sensation in my chest. what is this.

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