8 ~ Pranksters' Plan

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Harry's POV

At dinner, the first thing I noticed was that Nico and Thalia weren't shouting at each other.

Instead, it seemed that Thalia and Percy had replaced them. Only they weren't yelling, just talking really loudly. From what I understood, they were quarrelling about the merits of water-related natural disasters with air-related ones. What I didn't understand were why they were so passionate about it.

Thalia stabbed a fork into the table. "Tornadoes can rip buildings apart then throw them in the air!"

Percy shook a bagel, "Hurricanes can cause floods ten feet high and rip up the strongest roads!"

Annabeth seemed to be the one in charge of deciding who won the fight. She sat there with her hands clasped, turning to whoever spoke.

Finally Clarisse said, "Shut up! War is better than air disasters and water disasters combined! Millions die from war! Buildings explode from bombs!! Ships sink! Airplanes fall! People get stabbed!"

Annabeth looked impressed, "I've never thought of that. Clarisse wins 10 drachmas! Thank you for bringing in a new perspective."

I felt like she'd only said that to end the ridiculous argument.

"I disagree with this verdict!" Thalia protested loudly. "Clarisse La Rue was never part of this debate in the first place! I demand that she rescind her statement!"

"Yeah!" Percy agreed eloquently.

"5 drachmas each, runts. Cough it up!" Clarisse thrust out her hand expectantly. And when Percy and Thalia shook their heads, she cracked her knuckles and glared with double the usual intensity. Annabeth joined in.

"Fine..." the two grumbled. They dropped ten gold coins into her waiting hand.

They sulked for a while, but Percy snapped out of it first. "So, how was detention?" he asked Nico.

Nico smiled with satisfaction. "It was really short. Pinecone Face and I kept arguing about who cleaned more trophies. Professor Lupin couldn't stand it so he Silenced us with his spell. When that didn't work, he put a Shield Charm between us. That didn't stop us so he let us go early."

Thalia smirked, "It was actually fun."

Percy laughed, "That's the greatest! I'll do that the next time I have detention with someone."

The Americans eventually went back to calmly eating their food. I sighed, grabbing a ladle to get myself some broth. My entertainment for the day had ended.

"Hey Thalia," Nico said suddenly.

Aha, I thought, setting the soup down and staring with interest.

Nico pointed at a little gold dish, "It tastes way better with that green sauce."

Thalia stared at him, then looked at the cookie she was eating, "Seriously?" she asked suspiciously.

I have never eaten it like that so I didn't know whether he was telling the truth or not.

"Trust me," he nodded convincingly.

Thalia slowly dipped the cookie into the sauce and took a small bite, then she spit it out again, "Pfff!! Gross!"

Nico nearly fell off his bench with laughter, "You fell for it!"

"DEATH BREATH!!" she dove under the table, Nico tried to get up, but she had already grabbed his legs.

"Gah!" Nico yelped, latching onto the bench with both hands. "I'm being taken! Help help!! Leo?!"

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