"Well I'm right next store if you ever need anything, and a little heads up, Thor is very very loud. Just try your best and tune him out." Natasha explained as I let out a soft laugh at the fact that the god of thunder would be keeping me up late at night.

"Thank you." I kindly replied not letting my eyes stray from surveying my surroundings, not even noticing the assassins absence.

"Who's the new girl?" Sam asked raising a brow as everyone turned to acknowledge his words.

"A New York doctor on HYDRAS hit list." Tony answered visibly surprised by his own words.

"Single?" Sam jokingly replied wiggling his brows.

"Don't be such a Tony." Clint retorted playfully punching his shoulder. "But if you must know she is." He added in a hushed tone quickly averting his gaze trying to make his comment unknown to the rest of the team.

"Stalker much?" Natasha scoffed entering the room as both Sam and Clint stood dumbfounded at how alert her ears really were.

I eagerly fell into the luring bed and simply sighed in relief, my body slumping in content as the silky duvet hugged my figure; it's ability to temporarily distract me from the fact that I was being man hunted still not being enough to ease my overstimulated mind.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered grabbing my now pulsating temple as everything caught up with me; feeling like a brick wall of realization hit me head on. All of my friends, the select few I tolerated, were left behind, or rather murdered. My career, ended. My freedom, taken. My safety, comprised. Everything I knew was gone in a matter of a day. Everything.

Unfortunately not everything.

"And she's back!" Tony announced, intentionally exposing my attempted effort to be unseen, as I hesitantly descended down the stairs, standing idle as my brows became knit in confusion at the sight of a few more faces.

"No need to worry, I'm pretty sure they won't bite." Steve whispered into my ear while stretching his arm outwards towards the living room.

"Pretty sure?" I nervously smirked while mindlessly securing a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Eh, it's a 50/50 chance." He jokingly replied forcing an uneasy expression across his face, causing my arms to fall limp as I cut him a seriously stare.

"Fair maiden come join us!" Thor joyfully boomed as Steve gestured for me to go and be social.

Avenger or mother?

"Isn't he kind of a threat to the world?" I nervously whispered to Bucky mindlessly joining him on the sleek leather sofa, not even thinking twice before starting a conversation with him; even though I nearly just met the man, I oddly felt a connection or a magnetic pull luring me closer and closer.

"It's a long story." He answered, referring to the God of Mischief sitting in a poised manor adjacent to me, as the uncertainty in his tone answered my question; I now found myself bluntly staring at the cunning stranger intrigued. "You're staring by the way." He reminded gently nudging his elbow into my shoulder, his small gesture causing my consciousness to return to reality.

"Hi, I'm Scott." Scott kindly greeted with a genuine dad smile spreading from cheek to cheek, figuring he'd be the first one to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

"Kate." I politely waved in return.

"So we're not here for eternity, this is Wanda, Vision, Stephen, Peter, Bruce, oh and good old antlers over here." Tony interrupted pointing his index finger around the crowded room and in response I gave them each a courteous smile and a wave.

"H-hi I'm Peter, uhm Parker." Peter stammered from across the room with vibrant crimson cheeks as I kindly smiled at the clearly nervous boy.

"Kate." I reiterated as Tony palmed his forehead in embarrassment, shaking his head in disbelief at Peter's complete inability to communicate with an individual of the opposite sex.

"Looks like someone has a little crush." Bucky jokingly whispered underneath his breath while wiggling his brows, meanwhile, his breath fanning across my face felt better than it should have.

"Oh shut up." I softly laughed dismissively waving my hand at his immature accusation.

"Hope you like pizza, Wilder." Tony arbitrarily spoke up from behind the speckled granite countertop, his honey brown eyes blinking twice clearly looking for a response.

"Like it? I wouldn't be over exaggerating in the least when I tell you pizza was probably my first love." I replied with a genuine look of pleasure etched across my features, maybe a little too much pleasure, earning me a slightly concerned look from Tony.

Soon after internally drooling over the thought of real food, the sight of towering pizza boxes caused my tastebuds to sting as the fragrant smell of parmesan flooded my eager nostrils. Everyone frantically rushed to get a slice as the once silent room boiled over into rousing laughter and conversation, at first glance one might've thought they might've possible gone years without food; this all became a little much for my taste. Finding the courage to explore the uncharted house, I inconspicuously left the chaotic scene and found my way to a balcony which over looked the breathtaking scenery. I'd never seen such beautiful mountains, towering trees, and against the starry night sky rendered me absolutely speechless; my consciousness nearly drifting into oblivion as my ears became lured by the melody of the chirping crickets and swaying treetops.

"Too loud?" Bucky inquired gesturing towards the living room with a beer steady in his grasp, my composure staggering briefly at the fact that someone actually noticed my absence amongst gods.

"Just a tad, I think Thor and Tony singing might've been a bit much." I laughed. "It sure is beautiful out here though." I blissfully sighed resting my arms on the steel banister pricking my exposed skin with its cold sensation, this minor action unfortunately showcasing the faded yet visible scars painted across my arms.

"Uhm, y-yea It sure is." Bucky stuttered trying not to blatantly stare with his flickering eyes at my marks; however, my attentive peripheral vision soon caught him eyeing them which caused me to hastily pull my sleeve back down again. "I'm sorry, I wasn't, I didn't mean to-" He stammered embarrassed nearly choking on his own words.

"It's not your fault, it's kind of hard to miss." I sighed taking another bite of the greasy pizza while deeply inhaling the refreshing mountain air.

"I-" He began as the high pitched sound of the glass door sliding across its steel track caused both our heads to whip around.

"There you are! Care to join us for some drinks?" Steve asked visibly double taking our unaccompanied presence.

"Oh yea, uhm, sure!"

YOOOOO, you survived😂 Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading 😭❤️

Xx- Maddy❤️

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