Wait, who's even coming?

Eh, I'll find out eventually.

When I am in my bedroom, I take out a pair of black jeans, a maroon jumper, a dark green towel and underwear. Mother bought me all of these items today. Carrying the pile of clothes and towel, I head to the bathroom which is opposite to my bedroom. I hang them on the hooks behind the door. I take off my sweaty clothes and dump them inside the laundry basket at the corner of the room. I undo my hair bun, ruffling my dark brown hair in the process.

When I step into the shower, I frown when I notice how different the shower tap look. Instead of two knobs and a handle that I am accustomed to back at St. Anne's, I see a single knob with a weird design. I fiddle with it, until I pull a weird stick-like handle. I shriek when cold water hits my head and body, jumping away.

"Oh my Lord," I breathe out, placing my hand over my chest with my eyes closed.

I then feel the water with my left hand and immediately retract my hand.

It is freezing!

I glare at the weird-looking knob.

Who even invented you?

Groaning, I turn off the shower and, not bothered to put on my sweaty clothes again, grab my green towel from the hook to wrap it securely around my body. I go to mother's bedroom, but she is not there.

Hmmm... Maybe she is downstairs?

So, I make my way towards the staircase. I get down the stairs rather quickly and when I turn left to make my way to the kitchen, I bump into something hard and bounce back, emitting a little shriek. Losing my balance, I am about to fall backwards until a pair of hands grab onto my waist swiftly, stabilising me.

Immediately, a pair of wide, brown eyes come into the centre of my view.

Those eyes...

I have seen those eyes in all forms, but my favourite was when they were honey brown with golden rings, warm, affectionate and happy. But these eyes are different. They have no sparkle in them and are hollow. It confuses me that they are so familiar yet so different to the ones that I was accustomed to.

Nostalgia and yearning wash over me.

Suddenly, I notice with a racing heart that Reece Walker is currently holding me. He is looking at my face as if he were in a trance, with his eyes slowly falling down onto my lips, causing my heart to pound against my chest. This is the first time in years that I am seeing his face this closely and clearly.

And gosh, he is very handsome with his well-defined jaw, thick eyebrows and a straight nose. His long eyelashes are enviable. I don't think I have ever come across anyone as handsome as him.

And he smells so freakin' good, just like the last time.

Suddenly, he blinks and lets me go as if I burnt him. I snap out of my reverie and quickly step away from him. Realisation that I am wearing only a towel hits me like a truck. Heat rushes into my cheeks.

How I wish at this moment that the floor below me can open up and swallow me whole!

"If this is your way of seducing me," he begins to say. "It's not working."

My eyes widen at his crude words.

"What?" I snap in disbelief.

"Oh don't act clueless," he says, gesturing to my appearance.

I immediately grip onto my towel tightly to prevent it from loosening.

"I was not seducing you."

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