"Let the record show disregard for Mr. Smith's previous line of questioning and the age of the persons involved it is irrelevant to this case. Let the record show that Ms. Mason is not a person of interest in a statutory rape case." For once I actually liked this bloody intimidating woman. I couldn't imagine my life as a convicted sex offender. I don't know what I would do.

After a moment, the defense continued his questioning. "It seems that you remember everything that happened that night. It is undoubtedly a lot of information. Do you believe that you are able to know who was doing what to your body specifically?"

I cannot believe he had the audacity to ask me that. I was fuming inside. All feelings of nervousness seemed to disappear with the insinuation that I did not understand what happened to me. "With all due respect, something as traumatic as the one I went through is something one remembers in vivid detail. I know exactly who raped me, who said what degrading things, and who attempted to strangle me." My voice was harsh and cold. Even I almost recoiled in shock at what I sounded like. I'd never thought I could even get close to that eerie tone of voice.

How I wished I could take that back. I didn't want to sound unstable. This was falling apart at the seems for me.

"That is all, your Honor." Mr. Smith retired to his seat besides the three boys glaring at me.

When I was eventually returned to my seat, Finn was allowed to come back into the courtroom. It was at this point that the rape kit results and the crime scene pictures were being presented on screens in the courtroom.

I wasn't particularly listening at this point. I'm sure most people would call me crazy for not paying attention. I'm sure others would remember everything word for word if they were in my position. For me, everything was a blur. My eyes were solely focused on the images on the screen, the noises around me be damned.

The images of my blood on the brick wall and the three boys blood on the ground, how my stuff was haphazardly thrown on the ground in what seemed like a rush. Images of my severely bruised neck lingered on the screen as a doctor gave testimony to the extent of my strangulation and how I would have died from it if the same pressure was applied for another minute or so.

Images of my beaten and bloody face were shown along with the images of my torn and red stained clothing. A computer generated visual represented the tears and abrasions on my vagina as the same doctor reported on the extent of my injuries.

DNA results for under my nails showed All three boys skin and blood as evidence that I tried to fight back. My eyes wouldn't leave the screen no matter how much I pleaded them too. Those images made me feel like I was there all over again


I couldn't look at Finn because he was behind me but I somehow managed to stay calm. I told myself that those images of my neck was the same thing I saw when I looked in the mirror when I was at home and safe in Finn's arms.

By the time the trial had finished for today, I was worn out. We hadn't even gotten to Finn, Jack, Coleman, or Ryan's testimonies yet. It had shocked me that the three boys agreed to testify. I honestly don't know what they would gain from it. Although they did reject a jury trial which almost always gains sympathy for the victim. It lasted hours and I was relieved when it finally ended. It was like a weight had been finally lifted off my shoulders.

"That was...hard to watch. I didn't even know the extent to which it happened. And those pictures. Those marks were bad. I don't know how she did it. Or how you took care of her on your own, for that matter. " I heard Sam say. I froze on spot. His voice came from around the corner where I had just been in the bathroom.

"Yeah. I knew it was bad after that second panic attack at the hotel but that was next level. I feel so bad for her." Jameson said. I knew he was here, he had decided to come down from Boston to support me. Aiden couldn't make it though. I didn't want Jameson to feel sorry for me. I hated pity. "She's a strong woman, that's for sure." That made me feel slightly better about the pity but not completely.

"I was with her when she gave the police her account. It was scary. She's so damn brave and I love her for it. I'm so proud of her. I'm just disappointed I couldn't be there in the room when she was suffering. I feel guilty." It warmed my heart to hear Finn say that when he thought I wasn't listening. It let me know just how strong his feelings were. I couldn't let him feel guilty.

"Don't blame yourself. There was nothing you could do." I said, surprising them as I came around the corner and entered the quiet and empty marble chamber-way. The press was humming outside the building and even the reporters just outside the court room were jumping.

This trial was one of the ones that the judge permitted to be televised. I hated that but it was reality. People wanted to know whether the first female on a men's Olympic team was a liar, a loser, or both.

All three of them snapped around to face me. They all looked dashing in their suits, similar to the night of the Olympic trial dinner. Finn was the first to reach me and engulf me in a hug. I hugged him back before pulling my face away from his chest so I could kiss him. He seemed surprised that I was being affectionate after being so cold all day but he kissed me anyway.

I needed this relaxation.

It was a short and sweet kiss but it was still a kiss. "You did a good job, Baby," he whispered in my ear once our lips separated.

I took a deep breath and inhaled his masculine scent. "I'm just happy I didn't have a break down." I told him before pulling away and giving Jameson a hug. "I'm so happy you made it. It means a lot to me." It meant the world that my friends were skipping their expensive college classes to come see me and to support me. Especially since it was something that was so close to my heart.

"No problem. We're all here to help you. That's what friends are for." Sam offered me the same sentiment when he gave me a hug.

"Besides Finn, it was probably best you weren't in there when they decided to call me a statutory rapist. Thank the heavens the judge shut that down." I murmured the end.

Finn's dirty blond eyebrows almost shot off his tan face. "They did what?" He asked in shock and anger. His large muscles tensed but I placed my hand on his bicep to calm him.

I shook my head at Finn. "It's fine now, but they tried to say I raped Jack because I was 18 and he was 17. That part was deemed inadmissible though so it is all good now. Gave me a heart attack."

"Me too." Jameson and Sam muttered under their breath at the same time.

"How about this? Your lawyer is already having fun entertaining the press and we are less than fifteen minutes away from world famous Colony pizza in Fairfield so how about the four of us go Snapchat Chris and Aiden about it and make them hella jealous that they aren't with the original spectacular six." Sam suggested.

"Colony? You don't have to tell me twice." I responded eagerly and they all laughed.

Maybe I would get through this national embarrassment after all.

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