✩ he's jealous of your celebrity crush ✩ (boyfriend x reader)

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You were scrolling through Shawn Mendes's Instagram feed as your jaw continuously drops in awe. This has been going on for the past five minutes now, as your boyfriend watches from across the couch.

'How could one person possibly be so gorgeous?!' You accidently think out loud, Y/BF rolls his eyes as he scoffs.

'Seriously Y/N, there's nothing that special about him. You probably wouldn't even care about him if it wasn't for his songs.", Y/BF retorts

'Okay maybe I wouldn't know him' You state, ' but I would definitely care about him. Have you not seen his jawline, gorgeous eyes, and don't even get me started on his six pack'. You exclaim, as your eyes practically roll back into your head.

'Seriously Y/N? I'm right here.' Your boyfriend whines like a five year old.

'Aweee, are you jealous?' You ask him.Y/BF begins to pout. 'Oh calm down. It's not like I would date him, even if I could. Afterall, I have you!' You smile back.

Y/BF thinks for a few seconds, before saying ' I'll take it.', and pulling you in for a quick kiss.


Hey guys, I'm so, so sorry for not posting in so long. I've been super busy, but it's Summer now, so I can start writing much more!

Sorry Its kinda short, they'll get longer as I go along.


-The Author :] 

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