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OKAY! So here's what's about to happen. I'm going to republish this horrible story, but only because I'm going to change it! I'm going to completely revamp this story. It will still be about the same people with the same general concept [and even the same rules ;)] but there's going to be a couple of big changes. I started this story as a sophomore in high school YEARS AGO. It was a fun lighthearted play on love and you're average everyday teen type book. Just another cheese filled story with a happy couple and a predictable ending. Now i'm not saying that the new version wont have a few of those things ;P  but it is going to have a bit more of a "I'm in my 20's and don't have a clue what i'm doing with my life" feel to it. Because we wright what we know! I just want to leave this here for the few people who really loved this horribly written piece of trash, and to update you so you know to look out for the new version coming soon! Get ready for college baby, because here we go!

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