Chapter 9: Never Have I Ever, and A Good Dose of After Midnight.

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A/N: 4K READS?!?!?!?!? WHAT?????? <3 <3 <3 ***More a/n at the end so PLEASE read it!***

***Warning*** This is the old version! The new version is going to be saved under Calling Cupid's Daughter (Edited and Rewritten)*** 

Chapter 9:

Never Have I Ever, and A Good Dose of After Midnight.

~~~~~~That night~~~~~~

Riley and Simon ended up fighting over who was going to sleep in my room for about two whole hours, that is until they both fell asleep on the small couch in my room. They were so cute together, and I just had to snap a few pictures on my cell! I wasn't really tired, so I had decided to make a cup of hot chocolate and sit on my balcony just humming whatever song that popped into my hear. At least I was, until Ryan scared the living daylights out of my by jumping over the railing! I still haven't figured out how he manages to jump over the railing of a second story balcony. I even managed to spill my hot coco all over him, which he kind of deserved!

"Oh God! I'm so sorry!" I whisper yelled so I wouldn't wake up my best friends.

"Not to worry CJ. It's just a little and it didn't even get on my clothes."

"Darn right I shouldn't worry it's your fault for scaring me and..." I stopped just realizing what he called me, "What did you call me?"

"Umm little C! I called you little C."

"Oh, I thought you called me something else," I laughed a little at the thought. I haven't been called CJ since I was little. Almost ten years ago in fact.

"What did you think I said?"

"Nothing really," I smiled, "besides I know you didn't just come up here for no reason. What's up?" Ryan sat down in the chair behind me. Taking that as a sign he didn't plan on leaving anytime soon I reached up to close the door of the balcony. I didn't want Riley or Si to wake up asking questions that I didn't have any answers to!

"Do you ever wonder if there is someone up there looking out for you?" he said gazing at the sky.

"Yea, I know he is." I answered without thinking, like always!

"He?" Ryan asked and looked me right in the eyes.

"Did I say he? That's strange..." I guess he could tell I didn't really want to talk about it, because he sighed and looked away. We spent a few minutes just sitting in silence. I was going to say good night, but right before I could Ryan started to talk.

"Let's play a game!" he had the goofiest smile on his face, and I just couldn't tell him no... So I played his game.

"Okay, what are the rules?" I asked with a sigh.

"Simple! We are going to play never have I ever."

"Wait... Isn't that a drinking game? I don't really drink..." I said growing more and more uncomfortable, "and besides you don't even have any alcohol with you."

"Hold on I wasn't finished! Now like I was saying, we are going to play MY version of never have I ever. Since there are only two of us we can say anything we would like, whether we have done it or not, and whoever had done it has to tell the story of how it happened." He stated proudly.

"That sounds great, but you still didn't solve the drinks problem. Remember?"

"Oh yea... Hold on!" he said before jumping off my balcony. I let out a sharp gasp as his body quickly disappeared behind the railings of my balcony, and ran to the edge to see him casually climbing back through his bedroom window. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, and sat back in my seat. A few moments later he was back with a big brown bottle, and two small glasses.

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