Chapter 4: Spinning In the Rainbow Room

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*** Warning*** This is the old version! The new version is going to be saved under Calling Cupid's Daughter (Edited and Rewritten)*** 

 Chapter 4:

Spinning In the Rainbow Room

~~~~~~Still at School~~~~~~

I slid into my seat, next to Riley, right when the bell rang. Chase was sitting behind us, and he waved. I said a few greetings to Riley and Chase, but I think they could that I was not all there at the time. I simply told them that I was tired because it was a Monday. They finally left me alone and started taking notes. I started to take notes as well, but I started going over all the crazy stuff that had happened today.

Was I really going to be sharing a locker with Ryan for the rest of the year? And what was he talking about "art partners"... Did Mr. Gee assign the partners?!?! Crap I remember him saying something about a group of two and a group of three... Are Ryan and I the group of two?!?! What am I going to do now? Hummm maybe I can take a picture of something and he can draw it then we can out them next to each other... Ugggghhhhh how am I supposed to do an art project on something when the person I have to work with is an artist and I'm a photographer?!?!

My thoughts were cut off when Riley elbowed me quite hard in the ribs. "What the-" I started to hiss, but was cut off by her hand over my mouth.

"I want you to tell me everything at lunch, but first we should probably get to 4th period. The class ended about a minute ago but you were day dreaming the whole time! I know there is something is bothering you, and I am pretty sure it has to do with Ryan." Riley said in a matter-of-fact kind of tone, before running from the room. Sometimes I wonder about her.

The next class I had was Government, and I have to admit it has been the worst class of my entire high school career! To top it off, I was the only girl in the class. Chase sat beside me, but he wasn't much help since all he ever did was stare at me. That class seemed to fly by though, and before I knew it I was on my way to lunch. I was heading down the hallway when Riley jumped onto my back. I nearly fell down as I tripped and somehow ended up stumbling into the restroom.

"SPILL," Riley screamed at me, after I had set her down.

"What do you want me to say? It's not like I know what's going on..."

"Come on C.V.," she said with a pouty face.

"Ugggghhhh! No fair, you know I can't say no when you call me by my initials," I said sarcastically as I tried to push past her, "I'm serious Riley I don't have anything to tell."

"Fine, but as soon as you are ready to tell me I will be here with open arms and ice cream!" Riley practically yelled as she ran out of the restroom. I am really beginning to question her sanity!

When I finally caught up to Riley she had already gotten in line for lunch, and after we ate we talked about her and Russ. I also spent a few minutes writing down some more ideas for art class, but because of the group project I knew I wouldn't be able to work on them for a while. At some point I told Riley about the project and the locker situation, but she thought that it would be good for me to hang around him more. She said it would help me learn more about him so I could help him fall in love. Honestly, I had forgotten that I vowed to make it my mission to help him fall in love. I silently cursed myself for forgetting something so obviously important!

After lunch I have an off period, which is almost always spent helping people with their love lives. Having an off period is the only reason I am not harassed throughout the day, but even if I were I wouldn't mind. I love helping people fall in love, and I seem to be really good at it!

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