Chapter 2: The Mission

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 ***Warning*** This is the old version! The new version is going to be saved under Calling Cupid's Daughter (Edited and Rewritten)***

Chapter 2:

The Mission

~~~~~~~The Ride~~~~~~~
I could feel the tension between the boys throughout the entire ride. I didn't quite understand why they were so mad all of the sudden. It made me mad.

I didn't know Ryan very well, but I did know Chase and this was not like him! Yea Chase was cocky and he has a bit of an attitude, but he never got mad for no reason!

And what the heck was wrong with Ryan anyways? I haven't talked to him for more than ten minutes and he already had an attitude?

Boys are so stupid!

I sat in the back of the car fuming for a full five minutes before ether one of the boys remembered I was there, and to my surprise it was Ryan that remembered!

"O umm are you ok back there? You haven't said anything since we left. I hope your not mad that my ass of a cousin dragged you into coming."

I was surprised that he was talking to me let alone actually worrying about me! "O I'm f-fine. I am just a little tired. I was hoping that Chase would take me home on the way back." I said with a plead.

I could see Chase relax a little at my request.
"Yea little C. You know you can count on me for things like that... I'm really sorry I guess I should have asked you if you wanted to come in stead of picking you up-literately!"

"No shit idiot. You didn't even give her a chance to complain! You just-" I could tell that the tension was coming back so I cut Ryan off.

"Don't worry about it Ryan" I said faking a smile "I don't mind, it's just Chase's way of inviting someone, besides he is harmless"

I was trying hard to hide the fact that I was not ok with it and that I did not in fact think that Chase was harmless, but I think Ryan could see right through me.

If he could he didn't say anything about it, "So you can remember my name? I was starting to feel a little offended there for a minute. It's nice to know I made an impression on you" Ryan said with a wink.

I could feel the heat rushing to my face, so I looked away and saw Chases knuckles turn white from his grip on the wheel.

"Um Chase are you ok? You are holding on to the wheel like it might try to run away." I faked a laugh.

His grip instantly released and he sighed. "Yea sorry I was just thinking of something annoying." I was going to ask him more about it but before I could we were pulling into the store parking lot.

"Um Chase, I'm still not feeling well. Do you mind if I just stay in the car? I don't want to slow you down or anything." I lied. I really didn't want to Handel the tension between the boys, especially in public.

"Yea that's no problem... Ryan, you coming?" Chase said giving Ryan a death glare.

"No I think I'd better stay with Celeste just in case." Ryan said with a worried look.

"Fine!" Chase growled. "but I need to talk to you for a minute... outside please." I was a little worried about them starting a fight but I figured that if they did start to do something then I could get out and stop them.

Both boys got out of the car and met at the hood. I could see them talking but I couldn't understand what they were talking about. Chase was angry, I could tell that much. he started talking fast, and was making Ryan very red.

Ryan looked like one of those cartoon characters, I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. He is kinda cute when he is mad. What? Why did I think that? I have got to get my head back on track!

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