Chapter 1: Meeting The New Guy

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***Warning*** This is the old version! The new version is going to be saved under Calling Cupid's Daughter (Edited and Rewritten)*** 

 Chapter 1:

Meeting The New Guy

(Slightly edited, just skimmed through a little)

***Quote: When we first meet I had no idea you would be so important to me***

I'm not sure how it all started. Maybe I watched to many romance movies, or maybe I payed more attention to the little details. Heck maybe I really am cupid's daughter! What ever it is, it got me into this mess! O yea, my name is Celeste, but everyone calls me little C. It stands for little Cupid. Anyways I'm sitting on my bed and talking on the phone with the new guy and... maybe I should start from the beginning.

~~~~~~~~~~ About 1 month ago: September 25, 2015~~~~~~~~~~

It all started a Friday night when we were sitting at the top of the bleachers talking about Riley's boyfriend Russ when I saw Tina and Marc. They both had the hugest crushes on each other. I know because they came and asked me for advice, separately of course, and I had told them to just be honest. There was just one problem. They were both to scared to make the first move, so for a full thirty minutes I watched them scoot closer then back away, and they just kept doing it!

"I can't stand to see them go through this! Someone needs to help them!" I said to my best friend Riley.

"O calm down Cupid. You will get a chance to fix them AFTER you fix Russ and me!" Said Riley.

It just wasn't fair! How could anyone be so clueless as to how much in love the person right next to them was?

"Okay fine," I said, "All you have to do is do what he does. He is a player and is used to girls doing exactly what he wants. So you have to play the game to. When he flirts you flirt. When he ignores you, you ignore him. However he acts, do it back to him. Give him a taste of his own medicine ya know? But don't be mean and DON'T flirt with other guys!"

I hoped she would understand what I meant. It felt like it was an overload of information, and I was still really focused on Tina and Marc.

"Wow thanks Celeste! That is the best advice! I knew you were cupids daughter!" Said Riley.

"Yea no problem Ri, but I really need to go help them," I pointed at Tina and Marc, "there hopeless without me!"

"Fine, but you really-" Riley was cut off by me, "Yea I know I really need to get my own love life. Riley you always say that! what if I just want to have a cat?" And with that I took off before she could say anything else.

I was still silently laughing when I made it to Tina and Marc. They were in the about to touch position and I couldn't take another move away so I got Tina's attention and mouthed for her to just grab his hand. When she finally got the message she took a deep breath, close her eyes, and grabbed his hand! I was doing a little happy dance when Marc looked at her and smiled.

I walked back over to Riley, giving Tina and Marc a chance to be alone, and bumped into someone. Im not great at confrontation so I started babbling, "I'm so sorry Chase! I wasn't watching where I was going, and I-"

"Calm down little C," Chase laughed, "For someone who know so much about love you aren't very good around hot boys."

I knew Chase had a crush on me, but he is arrogant... His ego is bigger than Texas! So I chose to ignore it. Though, I really was sorry about running into him so when he asked me if I would come to his party Saturday night, I said yes. 

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