22: Trial of Champions

Start from the beginning

''Thank you.''

She turned on her heel, muttering quickly, ''I'll see you at the trial, eh, chica?'' 

(Y/N) appeared to nod. And then Isabel was gone. With a slight movement, (Y/N) moved away a bit, mumbling, ''I'm sorry for being so...so me. They're probably fine, aren't they?'' 

It took him a second to reply.

What he said now could stay with her forever.

''It doesn't matter. You're worried for them, which, uh...'' 


Eyes that glistened with tears looked up at him.

''You're a good friend to them, (Y/N). I don't think I've ever cried for someone...'' 

She smiled.

 ''Thank you...now, I think we should go to the trial. Hopefully they'll be there.'' 

He couldn't help but smile back; he wasn't used to seeing her at her lowest. Except when he'd caused her to fall there, of course; and it was all becoming pebbles on the path of gaining her full trust.


After not spotting Ron or Hermione anywhere, (Y/N) made the decision to sit with Draco; she was still quite stressed about wherever they were, but she managed to keep it under wraps in order to cheer for Harry. She smiled as warmly as she could at him as he walked past, and whispered, ''Good luck, Harry!'' She felt herself cheering up a little as she watched the champions get into the water. ''I really hope Harry wins,'' said (Y/N) absentmindedly, ''He's worked so hard for this...''

''The other three have too, (Y/N).'' Draco reminded her.She'd obviously been blinded that Harry had worked the hardest when, in reality, it was probably just her own work towards his wellbeing. Draco honestly suspected that she was sorted incorrectly; she had all of the traits of a Ravenclaw, and yet...

His thoughts were cut off by (Y/N) ranting.

''What in hell is the Beauxbatons girl doing? They all think their pretty faces earn them everything—'' (Y/N) cut off her little rant, adding, ''Sorry, I began to sound like you for a second there.''

''Hey, shut up! You do nothing but complain about Pansy—''

(Y/N) flipped a little bit of her hair over her eyes, and did her best haughty expression, exclaiming, ''Stupid Saint Potter! Always getting everything he wants! My father will hear about--''

''Fine, that one was good.''

''So I win?''

Draco rolled his eyes a little, sighing and pretending to pet something. ''Is grass green, (Y/N)? Now shut up, I have a book to read...''

''Hey, no fair!''

''Yes fair.''

(Y/N) mocked anger, turning away, and eventually setting her focus back on the game. She let Draco be the 'winner' of their impromptu competition. After what felt like days of staring at an empty lake, Fleur emerged. Apparently she was now unable to participate. 

''Poor girl,'' said (Y/N), ''Must be embarrassing to have to drop out like that.'' Draco couldn't tell whether she was being sarcastic or not, but her gentle smirk suggested that it was the former. 

After another age, Cedric emerged, and received first place. (Y/N) clapped politely, but she couldn't help but wish it was Harry. 

Draco's clapping was even less impressive.

Viktor reappeared second; (Y/N) was fairly sure she partially lost her hearing from Draco's cheering. What was so great about Viktor, again?

Moments turned to minutes quickly.

Harry still hadn't emerged...where was he?

The hour was almost over...

Suddenly, Ron appeared with a little girl who resembled a small Fleur.

And then, finally, Harry appeared.

Now it was Draco's turn to go deaf for a few seconds.

 ''They're not dead! Oh my stars, no one's dead!'' Exclaimed (Y/N) between cheers and fits of applause, and soon enough, she looked so ecstatic that she appeared to be waiting for her cue to break into song. 

And it was positively adorable.

 ''Sit down, (Y/N), I can't see anything!''

''Oh, uh, I'm sorry—'' 

She sat down promptly, but she was still smiling like an idiot; as was Isabel, who ran up the stairs seconds later, fifty galleons in hand. 

''I knew they'd be fine, chica!'' she exclaimed, ''Now, I've got to go and put the money from mine and Miss Parkinson's little bet away.'' 

She practically skipped away, a smile on her face; and she was wearing (Y/N)'s jumper.

''Well, now that I'm sure my friends are alive...'' said (Y/N) dreamily, ''I wonder if Isabel saved me toast from this morning?''

 ''You don't really have very adventurous thoughts, do you, (Y/N)?'' said Draco, still frantically trying to get Viktor's attention.

''Perhaps I do; I'm just polite enough to keep them to myself. And it's not like I'm allowed to act on them...'' 

She stood up quickly, flouncing ever so slightly as she went to leave. She was quickly followed by Draco, who, now that his attention was on her again, was determined to one-up her last comment. 

The rest of that day was spent congratulating Harry, and crying more over Ron and Hermione being alive (''Bloody hell, (Y/N), you're emotional today!'' was all Ron could come up with); all the while Draco was looking on her jealously, watching and waiting for the moment he could snatch her up and have another sleepy reading session with her. 

Because it was adorable.

But then again, she always was. 

Always had been.

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