Part 1

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  You thought about the events that were taking place in front of you. Lucifer was going to force Jack to kill Sam. And as usual, he just made it so you couldn't move. Whenever you guys had to confront him he wouldn't lay a finger on you. No, he wouldn't hit you back , he wouldn't throw you across the room, I mean he would touch you to annoy you but he wouldn't actually physically hurt you. And to you that was more annoying than when he was actually trying to annoy you.

You were standing right beside Lucifer frozen in your place. "Jack you can control this!" Sam screamed trying desperately to get through to Jack. "Sam I can't he took my grace!" You were still struggling to move but stopped suddenly. It was your turn to provide an opinion, "Jack YOU are stronger than him! Maybe not physically but mentally, you are one of the strongest people I know!" You loved Jack like a son and you would do pretty much anything to protect him and Sam was like your brother.  You tried to move one last time and you broke through the hold but pretended that you were still stuck. 

Jack was going to leap at Sam but before he could, Dean burst through the door. As soon as you made eye contact you punched lucifer in the gut, and swept his feet from underneath him and grabbed the knife from Jack, and threw it to Dean. Lucifer was just standing up when he said, "Well played (Y/N), well played." You thought that he was finally going to fight back when he started walking towards you, yet you stood with your head held high. 

 He was about two inches away from you, and he leaned down so that his lips were practically touching your ear, and whispered, "Nice try princess." Shivers went down your spine. The problem was that they weren't shivers that you get from being scared, its like you liked him being this close to you. No you couldn't... could you? (*COUGH*) This made him smirk.  

He snapped his fingers and you couldn't move, AGAIN. Dean kicked lucifer across the room. Wait... since when could Dean kick an ARCHANGEL across a room, practically sending him flying?!  You were struggling to move when they started fighting. Oh did I forget to mention that they were flying? 

You kept struggling to move when the blade landed right in front of your feet. You had more determination than ever now, and managed to bend over to pick it up. You threw it to Sam, who in turn tossed it Dean. In a matter of seconds you heard Lucifer take in a sharp breath as he dropped to the floor, leaving the imprints of his wings on the floor. He was dead.

The boys let out a small breath, while you just stood there. When Lucifer died the power holding you there vanished, yet you kept standing there. Looking at the vessel that just a minute ago, was containing one of the strongest things in existence. Your face was expressionless, up until you were thrown against the wall along with Jack and Sam. You hit your head against the wall. The last thing you heard before you blacked out was Dean screaming, "Dammit we had a deal!"


"No. She's alright Jack, we just need to wait for her to wake up." You heard Sam say. You sat up and looked around, Jack was the first one to notice that you were awake. He jumped on you quickly wrapping his arms around you tightly. You laughed a little bit, responding quickly by wrapping your arms around him. You heard Cas and Sam let out a small sigh of relief. 

You smiled slightly before you noticed that Jack was silently crying into your shoulder. You rubbed his back trying to console him. "What's wrong buddy?" You asked as you slightly pulled away to look into his eyes, still holding him in your arms. "I thought that you died! And I can't risk losing another Mother." He spoke truthfully, shaking slightly. You smiled again feeling your eyes water due to what Jack said, even though it was simple. 

You hugged him tighter closing your eyes, then opening them again to see Sam and Cas smiling at the scene in front of them. When you guys had broke the hug a couple of minutes later you asked, "What happened guys?" You watched as everyone's smiles suddenly dropped at your question. Sam looked down and quietly said,"Dean said yes." You knew exactly what that meant. 

Your eyes went wide as you shook your head. Mary walked in and when she noticed that you were awake, she hugged you slightly and asked if you were alright. You just nodded your head and forced a small smile onto our face. You looked over and saw Jack's tear stained face sleeping peacefully. "The poor kid didn't deserve any of this." you sighed. Everyone shook there head agreeing with you. "I'll get him back even if I die trying." You said as you stood up. "Hopefully it doesn't come to that." A familiar voice said teasingly. 

"Chuck?" You asked, bewildered. 

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