I'm about to speak again when I'm suddenly in Shouto's body in his room and on the phone with his father. "Shouto? Shouto!" I hear Endeavor growl on the other end of the phone.

I panic and hang it up. "Why was he talking with his father? I thought he hated him..." I look around the room and see that he wasn't doing anything in particular except on the phone. "Should I let him know I hung it up?" I question myself aloud.

(Todoroki POV.)

You've got to be fucking kidding me. I'm suddenly in Jirou's room on her bed, staring at her like an idiot. How am I supposed to get through this?

"Momo? You okay? Are you thinking about Todoroki again?" Jirou asks me.

"Um... Yeah. Yeah that's it," I say, trying to play it off casually.

"Dude, I told you before, just don't worry and he'll tell you whatever's bothering him in his own time."

She's worried about me? Why- I guess I have kind of been avoiding her today... My father's been on my mind all day... I look at Jirou and give a small smile. "I'm sure you're right. I bet he's ignorant to the fact that he's been avoiding me in the first place."

Jirou laughs. "Bet you're right on that one!"

What the hell... Does everyone see me as oblivious or something? I lean back on the bed and against the wall, hoping that we change back soon. I hope Momo wasn't roped into dealing with my father too much... I was in the middle of that call...

"So," I focus back on Jirou, "what do you wanna do now?" She asks me.

I shrug. "I don't know. You pick." I have no idea what Momo and Jirou do when they hang out.

"Well I finished all my school work in class today and I don't feel up for studying. How about we play a game?" She suggests as she sets her guitar down

"A game? What kind of game?" What does she have planned?

"I got my old console from my parent's house last month and a few games I used to play. Wanna give it a go? Might be a nice break from all this hero training and studying and worry over Todoroki."

"A video game? I haven't played one of these before," I say as she hands me one of the game cases.

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

I hope Shouto is doing okay. It's been nearly three hours since we switched and I haven't heard anything from him.. I guess that's probably a good sign. Currently I'm laying on my back on Shouto's bedroll reading one of his books. I'm not too sure what Shouto does besides training and studying after school, but there's no point in me training with his quirk and my papers are in my bag in Jirou's room.

I hear the door open and shut. I glance past the book and see Shouto walk over to me and crouch down. "Is this what you've been doing?" He asks me.

I shut the book and sit up. "More or less," I answer. "How'd it go with Jirou?"

He sits beside me and smiles. "It was fun."

"Fun? So she didn't suspect anything?"

He shakes his head. "I don't think so."

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