"Why didn't you let the staff know young Todoroki? Something like this could've gotten you or Yaoyorozu in serious harm," All Might tells me.

"We just didn't want to inconvenience anyone with it... It's been a real pain and inconvenience to us and we just thought we'd cause trouble for everyone."

"By not telling us you caused more trouble," Aizawa sighs. "So here's what's going to happen... You and Yaoyorozu are not going to be participating in any physical training exercises this week. Instead you'll be going over the reading materials."

"I understand..."

"Also, in the future if something like this happens again let us know right away. I'm informing the staff about your present situation."

"I know I shouldn't ask for anything, but, do we have to tell our classmates? I think for them and for us it would be best if they didn't know."

"I think that is a reasonable request. What about you Aizawa?" All Might asks.

Aizawa sighs as he glares down at me. "I suppose that will be fine. I can think of a few students who may try to take advantage of you two... I hope you understand full well that this doesn't give you an excuse to do as you please while stuck as each other."

"I do. Momo and I will follow the rules..."

"You're getting off easy this time Todoroki. Be grateful. Next time you slip up I won't be so lenient."

I nod. "I understand..."

Nearly an hour has passed since the teachers left after lecturing me. Recovery Girl gave me some gym clothes to wear and was able to patch me up pretty good. My shoulder is fine and my arm isn't in searing pain anymore. I have a few scrapes across my body but nothing that won't heal in a few days on its own.

Currently I'm sitting beside Momo's bed, waiting for her to come to. Aizawa said she passed out after the exam. That was me, so she got put in my body conscious when I would have been in a serious amount of pain... "I'm sorry Momo..."

"For what?"

I look and see her eyes are open and she's staring up at me. "Momo."

"Why am I in the infirmary?" She sits up and looks around. "Wait. I remember now... We-"

"We swapped just after class ended... It was pretty bad timing. You got put in my broken body... I'm sorry for that," I apologize, bowing my head as I try to hide the tears forming in my eyes.

I feel a gentle rubbing on my head. I look back to Momo who is running her hand through my hair. "It's okay Shouto. I'm fine. It was an unpleasant experience, but there's no harm done," she tells me with a smile.

I take her hand and hold it in mine. "The teachers also know about our situation..." I inform her as I rub my thumb over her hand. "Mr. Aizawa easily figured it out when we swapped earlier."

"He did? Well what did he say to you?"

"He's made all the staff aware but not our classmates. He also told me that this week during all training times we'll be stuck going over all the material rather than any actual training."

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