Chapter 18 (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

     That was a bad thing.

     "Are you really trying to question us? And who the hell getting escorted out? From the way I see it, you're the only one that's gonna be escorted out. Pick which escort way you'd like to take wisely." Samuel, being the only angry man that is still reasonable at the moment, spoke his mind. The other 3 didn't like words as much as he did when they were under irritation. I watch as Sosa began to rub at his hard temples in a failing attempt to control his emotions. When he looked up again, I finally noticed the dark rings under his tired eyes.

     "I mean," Dr. Tee makes a sheepish face. "It's only fair right?"

     "But there is a difference," I'd never seen Montie's step father upset and I didn't expect to see it today by any means. The love, compassion, and time he put into raising Montavious could be seen in his eyes as Samuel spoke. "We are not the frauds so nothing is fair here."

     "I mean, don't you think that it's fair I ask questions in return? I have a right to that."

     "Who the fuck do you think you are man?" Samuel let's his large, hard working hand make it's way into the air. He points one of his firm fingers in the direction of the doctor, eyes squinted and mouth twisted. You could blatantly see the over distaste Samuel had. He knew something, if not everything, was off about this whole ordeal. Montavious is a fighter, a great fighter. There was no way in the devil's given red hell in his mind that his son needed a 'plug pull'.

     "A doctor?" Dr. Tee says in a nonchalant and questionable tone. His eyebrow raises.

     "Keep getting smart, and I'ma punch you dead in yo' shit bro. Now ain't the fuckin' time." Sosa had finally found the underground strength to get real violent now. Well, he always had the given strength to do so but he had been slowly holding out on it until this moment. The semi-automatic hand gun that was under the black and silver Gucci belt he currently wore called his name repeatedly. Sosa had an itch for shooting, never the one to initiate a gun fight though unless under bad circumstances.

     "How would you feel if you were the one getting interrogated?" Dr. Tee had the guts to step in closer to Sosa as he stood there. The doctor had never been afraid of anyone or anything, so why would he back down now when he was subtly just doing his job? Sosa sees him getting more sure of his scrawny self and a laugh escapes his lips. One that is so filled with anger and animosity that it had shocked even himself. He takes one of his hands and raises it in the air, his pointer finger stabbing at the flared chest of Dr. Tremayne. He pokes at it three times, smiling such a wicked one.

     "Look here doc," Sosa begins. "Fuck what you sayin'. I think you need a reminder of what I meant when I said I didn't play games."

     "I'm listening." Dr. Tremayne clenched his jaw.

     All the while, Jah'eim, Samuel, and Tank stand back. Jah'eim was still containing the sudden urge of strangling the doctor better than he thought he would have at the moment. I bat my eyes in his direction, while I take over his facial features for a second. Jah'eim had a very refined jaw line, with poking beard hairs at the top, continuing on to the bottom of it. He wanted to walk away from the current situation but he also couldn't bring his feet to move his muscular body. Something to Jah'eim was off and the determination to find what it is had become great.

     "Everyone in this damn room know you a fake ass doctor. That's the truth... You see, where you went wrong was thinking that you could walk into my brother hospital room, with his family in it, with the fake bullshit. None of us in here wanna see Montavious die today. There is something real fuckin' funny about this and you the only person in here how throwing out red flags repeatedly." Sosa clears his throat. He wanted his words to sink into Dr. Tee's head deeply. He eyes the doctor close, checking for any sudden movements. When Sosa sees that the doctor wasn't budging, he reaches under his black bomber jacket to reveal the handgun tucked underneath his belt. "So, I'm giving you one more chance to tell us all who the fuck you are..."

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