Chapter 29

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  • Dedicated to Julia Coloso

Chapter 29: Just My Luck

~Song 5 O'clock In The Morning by Lily Allen~


The day was grey. I still wasn't used to this England weather. But it was a nice change I have to admit. Niall and I had slept early so we could get up in the morning to pack our bags. I had moved all my stuff over to Louis and Eleanor's because that's where Niall was staying while in London. It was all messy though so I thought I'd wanna re-pack it again this morning. 

"Jesus, looks like you're bringing your entire house with you!" 

He whispered so we wouldn't wake Louis and Eleanor.

"I'm a girl Niall. What do you expect?!"

"Good point."

We had to have Paul and the others help us get everything into the car. Paparazzi was everywhere. They just couldn't get enough of Harry and Niall's new summer flings. I can just imagine the title now NIALL TAKES HIS MYSTERY GIRL TO HIS HOMETOWN OF MULLINGAR. 

"Can't they just leave us alone for once?! Oh wait no that'd be like asking cats and dogs to get along." I complained.

"Are you okay love? You seem a little crappy this morning!"

I guess I did feel a little crappy this morning. It was probably my period coming. I was feeling tired and cranky and I definitely was craving chocolate. But then again, when am I not craving chocolate?

"Yeah, I think it's probably just that..time of the month." I moaned.

"Should we stop and get some Cadbury's on the way then?" He asked sweetly as we got in the car.

"Haha yes please!" I said with puppy dog eyes.

He leaned over and kissed my lips.

"Good morning my love. You look extraordinary this morning." He smiled.

"Good morning," I breathed, "And shut up. I look like crap."

"A very pretty piece of crap." 

"Hahaha this is why I love you. You know how to make me smile on a crappy morning."

He smiled as we drove along. I looked out the window at everything passing us by. I can't stop thinking about how much I like it here. Every day I'm here just gives me a new reason on why I shouldn't leave. I really don't wanna go back home. But I know I'll have to at some point, even if I come back to live here. I'll have to go back home and pack up all my things and move out. For some reason I was suddenly reminded about visiting Sylvie's family out here in England. I pulled out my phone to text her. I searched for her contact name The Best Person Ever<3.

"Hey, aren't we supposed to go visit your familia at some point in time?~Julia x"

We both new a little bit of spanish from when we learned it in elementary school. So we'll always say a word randomly in spanish! We went to school together nearly all of our lives. But we didn't really become good friends till I was in 7th and she was in 6th. We're so lucky we found each other though. Then my phone buzzed with her reply.

"Yeah! I've already spoken to my cousins and I told them what was going on. So when me and you get back we'll go up to my grandma in Kent, then we'll come back down to visit my cousins in Sussex!~Sylvie xx"

It was so weird for me to see Sylvie text all these places. She was a tourist here but it was still half her home. She always said she felt like she never belonged in California. She always thought she belonged in England and when she was there she felt like she was home and when she was away from England it was like she was homesick. I never understood it. But then again I never understand half the stuff goes on in her head hahahaha but that's why I love her.

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