Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Finally Our GNO

~Song GNO by Miley Cyrus~


It was finally time for our GNO!! Technically we weren't really going out but it was still a girls night! Maybe we should text Eleanor to see if she wants to come sleepover? It'd be good to bond!! Julia just arrived and told us how Niall just told her he loved her for the first time. I am like skjdfhaslkjfhskdf. I'm so happy for her. 

"Jules I'm still flipping out." I said while shoving a piece of pizza in my mouth.

I haven't had pizza in forever. And pizza is my favourite food.

"How do you think I feel!!"

Lily joined in and said, "So what'd you say back?!"

"Well I was sort of like caught off guard so I stuttered a bit and was like 'I..I love you too' and then told him I would call him later. I mean hopefully he thought I was cute."

Me and Lily both looked at each other then back a Julia and simultaneously said,


Julia went reddish in the face and we all laughed.

"Hey, should I text Eleanor and ask if she wants to come sleepover too?! I only think it's fair we invite her in on the fun! And she's tons of fun to hang out with!"

The girls both agreed so I got out my phone to text her. I had a few texts from Harry. Hahaha he's so cute. I had to reply back to him.

"Missing me a ton already? :) ~Sylvie xx"

Then I searched through my phone and found El Calder with a heart put next to it. I started a new message,

"Hey El!! Wanna come over and have a GNO with me, Julia, and Lily? Just us girls and we're having pizza and gonna watch some movies afterwards! It'll be fun!~Sylvie xx"

Then Harry replied and my heart raced. Every time I got a message or call from him my heart raced. On my phone his contact was My Curly Locks with a winky face. It was so cheesy but cute.

"Of course, are you girls having fun?~Harry xx"

"Yes!! Apparently Niall told Jules he loved her tonight. She's super happy and is now over the whole Kat thing! Oh! And I invited Eleanor over tonight too!~Sylvie xx"

My phone buzzed almost instantly again and it was Eleanor this time.

Julia noticed and said, "Jeez!! Someone's popular!! Hahaha."

"Hahaha it's just Eleanor and Harry..and Eleanor said......." I read the text aloud. "Omg! Yes! I would love to come! I'll be over in 15! Let me just put together a bag for the night! "

"Perfect! This is gonna be like the best GNO ever!!" I said in my mocking stereotypical valley girl voice. 

"So what movies do you guys think we should watch?!" I asked.

I brought a couple but there were a ton to watch on the tv in the hotel room.

"There's Hunger Games, Bridesmaids, The Notebook, Meangirls, Ferris Bueller's Day Off....I dunno! Just look at the tv and decide! Hahaha."

"How many can we watch?" Lily asked.

"However many we want! We can stay up all night if you want!..." I paused thinking of the phrase I just said.

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