Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to Julia Coloso

Chapter 24: You'll Always Be There

~Song Up All Night by One Direction~


I honestly wasn't mad at Niall. I think I just got a little self conscious at that moment and a little embarrassed because Kat was so beautiful and she had a cool name..I don't know why any guy would break up with her. Niall took me to some cute little shops around town and we went into the super market for me to buy food because Niall was appalled when I said we didn't have any food in our hotel room....of course. Hahaha that boy was definitely heaven for me.  My phone suddenly buzzed.

"Lily and I are at the hotel, where are you?~Sylvie x"

Oh shit!! I almost completely forgot about our GNO! I can't believe that. I must have been so caught up in everything with Niall and Kat and being annoyed. Jkjahfkfhsfhsdfh.

"Wahh, I'm so sorry! I got a bit distracted. Leaving now! Order the pizza!~Julia x"

"Already got it covered ;) haha ~Sylvie"

I then turned to tell Niall that we needed to go. I didn't want to leave him! But I knew I couldn't blow off the girls like that. And I didn't want to blow them off anyway. Tonight was especially for us. It was girls night.

"Niall, I'm really sorry. But I forgot that tonight was girls night with the girls. Is it okay if you drop me off at the hotel now?"

He looked at me with loving eyes. And smiled.

"Of course babe."

I walked into his arms as we walked back to the car. A few girls came up and asked for our pictures which we happily said yes to. I know a lot happened today but I'm over it. I would never see Kat again and I don't think I could be any happier walking in Niall's arms right now. We got to the car and we started to drive. I turned on the radio and of course One Thing came on and I burst out singing but I was actually trying to sing not faking it. Not really realizing who I was sitting next to. Then I looked over at Niall and went red and he just burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry hahahah." I tried to laugh it off.

"Don't be. I thought it was extremely cute and how come you never told me you could sing?!"

"It didn't really come to mind I guess haha."

"Well next time we're together you are definitely singing with me."

"Only if Sylvie sings too!! We always sing together!"

"She can sing too?"

"Yeah she does. We always harmonize each other. That's actually what we want. To each get a recording contract."

"I think we can make that happen.."

"You would do that for me?"

"Hahaha if you had the chance would you do it for me?"

"Yes without a doubt!"

"Then there's your answer right there."

He smiled at me and I basically died inside. The butterflies were raging. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. We came up to The Cumberland valet parking and Niall just told the guy he was dropping me off. I hadn't gotten out yet. I needed to just say one more thing.

"Niall, I..I just wanted to say I'm really sorry I got all bitchy today at the coffee shop. I just got really embarrassed that we ran into her."

"Why were you embarrassed?"

"Because she's so beautiful, and I just didn't understand why you would break up with her. And I just thought you seeing her there would change your mind about me.."

I turned my head away. Tears were forming in my eyes. I sort of felt worthless at the coffee shop. It just really hurt. Then suddenly Niall took my face in his hand. And wiped away a tear that was rolling down my left cheek with his right thumb.

"Julia, you are beautiful beyond words. And you are mine. You are perfect to me. A perfect fit for me. You're everything I could hope and wish for in a girl. Kat, yes I had a past thing with her. But nothing's ever going to happen with us again because I now have you. And nothing's gonna change that."

He kissed my lips very softly. He was always very gentle with his kisses. He pulled back then looked into my face,

"I love you. And don't forget it." He smiled.

"I..I love you too." I smiled back, "I'll call you later."

"If we don't see each other again tonight then we'll plan something altogether for tomorrow!" He yelled as I was getting out of car and walking back towards the door.

"Okay! Talk to you then!" I yelled back at him as I walked inside.

People must have thought I was just proposed to. I had tears strolling down my face and I was nothing but smiles. Niall just said he loved me. Was this too soon?! Oh my God I couldn't wait to tell Sylvie and Lily.

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