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Messing around with the rich and famous was a very dangerous game, especially when your pockets did not run as deep. The New York newspapers and daily gossip magazines have received the scoop and evidence that indeed Orlando York of Logan Gold towers has a woman in his life and unlike other days where they see him with different women in public this time he was seen with the same woman and they began to investigate on who the woman was.

Somehow somebody managed to find more about Diamond and it was reported in the news that she was a cleaner in the firm and now was seen on the boss's arm. She must have thrown it down good for him to elevate her and promote her not only to his personal assistant but to his girlfriend.

Reading the news in the morning, Diamond wished for the world to burst in half and she be deposited in before it closed up. Reading the news on her tablet made it possible for her to read the comments from the public. Some women called her with horrible names, slut, a bitch, a whore... claiming she was one of the women who slept their way to the top and it brought shame to the women species.

Diamond did not cry a lot, she wasn't a fan of tears so gritting her teeth together, she scrolled to the next article and it was not different from the last one, if there was anyone defending her, the comment would still claim she slept her way to the top but some people commended her for it, saying a girl had to do what a girl had to do and clearly the man was happy, so why should anyone be mad and bitter about it?

She didn't sleep with Orlando for her job, he gave her that job out of gratuity and she in turn thanked him by being an honourable assistant and made his job easy.

But not everyone knew that... nobody cared enough to find out the real truth, they just wanted the dark part of the story to make a juicy headline and story to sell.

It was a Friday morning and wasn't at work yet, she was having breakfast with her friends, all of them. Samantha, Lisa and Janelle. The three have met once in her apartment and clicked like house on fire.

She was quiet and her friends understood that she needed to process everything. "I mean tomorrow they would have forgotten." Samantha commented, playing with her engagement ring. She was getting married in three months' time and they were having breakfast where she wanted to ask them to be her bride maids including her sister and cousin who were not having breakfast with them. The news broke out before Diamond could even arrive. When she got out of her cab, her cell phone pinged with news notifications and to her horror; she was the hot topic of discussion.

"Yeah, everyone will forget about this by tomorrow, so just soldier on girl, don't let them get to you." Janelle said before she picked the cup of steaming rooibos tea. It was a chilly morning and they were having a pot of freshly brewed rooibos.

"Yea, but it is still the early morning, wherever I'll be walking today they will be talking about me. When people see me from now on they will see me as the girl who opened her legs to her boss so she could be promoted from cleaning lady to assistant." Diamond said; her voice filled with sadness. Her friends felt for her, they didn't know what it is like to be dragged like that in public so they just sympathised with her.

"Imagine now when we go to meetings, not only will the people see me as his assistant, they will be asking themselves if whether we do it in the office as well." She groaned. This was not how she pictured her day going.

They had gotten snaps of the kiss they shared at Ollie's diner and clearly one of the diners took the snaps and sold them for a fee. People did crazy things in the world for money, even ruining reputations.

"Honey no one will be thinking that, I'd like to think that you have meetings with professional people with right heads on their shoulders." It was Lisa's turn to speak. Lisa was the mothering type, had her crazy moments but she still mothered everyone in her life. "So don't you sit here and worry your head with what people will be thinking." She finished.

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