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You know how people often complain about Monday coming way too soon? Well Diamond Barry was one of those people. She had a hard time waking up, well she was up, hadn't slept that well since Saturday night after returning from Orlando's place, she just didn't want to go to the office. She tossed and turned at every point and every hour of the night. Her mind was racing, thinking of how amazing Orlando was in bed. No wonder some women tried keeping in touch with him, begging him to date them, she has seen all of that and now it made perfect sense, he was great in the sack.

Dressed in an olive body hugging skirt and a beige coloured blouse tugged in the skirt, she slipped on black pair of heels, she needed to go shopping for shoes or these heels will give out on her in public, embarrassing her. She wasn't looking forward to working with Orlando, matter of fact she wanted out, she was heading to work to quit.

She wouldn't be able to stomach seeing Orlando with another woman after what they have shared and the other annoying and weird part was that, she actually didn't want to date him. It would just suck to know that he was just with her to quench his thirst. She was nothing more but a one night-stand; damned her she was now part of the sad statistics that she vowed to never become a part of.

"Hey Diamond, Mr York asked you to check your emails there is an important meeting he needs to attend out of town and you have to make the necessary plans, also he asked if you could stand in for him at today's marketing briefing and take notes for him. He is coming a little later." Charlotte the company's receptionist welcomed Diamond in the building with tasks. She was twenty minutes late and knew that Orlando probably was in a rush to wait for her, hence leaving a message with Charlotte.

"Thanks Charlotte." Diamond sighed; there goes her chance of resigning. She wouldn't just leave him hanging and stranded, he needed her and a huge part of her was glad he was not in the office and another part was relived she didn't have to quit just yet, who will pay her that kind of money again? Who will employ her with her less impressive resume? She was not planning on becoming a cleaner ever again, it was tiring and it only worked well for her because she was stressed and heart broken, she scrubbed the floors without a glitch as her mind was elsewhere. Now she actually enjoyed being the man's assistant and she will not quit over some silly drunken moment.

Yes, she was going to blame it on the alcohol. If he ever decides to bring it up, she will hide behind the glasses of bubbly and glasses of wine she had consumed that night.

Set to work Diamond Barry replied to emails, checked the diary of her boss and made necessary appointments and pencilled in upcoming meetings. When he was not in the office, there wasn't much work to do, but there was. She had to send minutes to specific departments of last week's meetings, answer and make phone calls.

By the time lunchtime rolled up, she had to head to the marketing meeting, seeing all the boardrooms were occupied, the marketing team thought it best to have the meeting during the lunch hour and they will go on lunch after the meeting. Diamond was occupied with taking minutes that she did not realize the door to the boardroom opening and a figure entering until the person sat next to her on the vacant chair.

The little hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she took a whiff of the man's scent. She knew who it was without having to look up. And suddenly her heart picked rate, she thought she wouldn't see him until later in the day, maybe when the office closes so she could just rush out, but luck wasn't on her side.

His cologne, his scent never bothered her before, she just always acknowledged that he smelled good and that was it, but since Friday night, the smell lingered on her body even when she had bathed and showed to remove it. He was all over her like white on rice, no matter how many times she sprinkled perfume all over her, his smell just wouldn't go away. It maddened her and same time aroused her. Every time she thought of him, her stomach would flip, his firm grip, his large hands that covered her boobs before squeezing the nipples, sweet niblets she was getting turned on just by thinking about it.

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