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"What the hell?" Diamond opened her eyes to come face to face with a very bare room that held no life but what had her mind and heart racing was the metal claps around her ankles and hands chaining her to the damn single prison bed. Trying to pull free herself on automatic mode Diamond winced as the metal sunk and nipped into her skin hurting her.

She raised her head to see the shackles on her bare feet chaining her to the bed. She looked around, her mouth was dry and her head felt heavy. She needed water and aspirin pronto.

"Where the hell am I?" she murmured taking the room in, besides the bed she was chained on and the single wooden chair right at the door, there was nothing else in the room. It was painted grey and the windows were shielded by a dark curtain she couldn't tell what time it was or which fucking day it was. Her mind was blank, she closed her eyes to wreck her brain of how the hell she ended up chained to a bed she had no clue who it belonged to.

She was helped out of her misery by the door opening and Daniel walked in with a takeaway bag, instantly the smell of fries hit Diamond like crazy she wanted to devour the whole bag.

"Oh well... the gorgeous one is awake. Rise and shine baby." He cheesed hard, his eyes twinkling with something along the lines of insanity.

"Daniel..." Diamond called out to him slowly, fear taking over her body. What the hell was wrong with the man? "Please let me go. I swear I won't tell anyone about this." She pleaded. She had no idea where she was, which day it was and absolutely no idea what Daniel wanted from her but she didn't want to find out.

A chuckled left Daniel's lips as he set the food parcel down. "Shhh no one is going anywhere. Hungry?" he asked her as if he was asking about the weather. It is kind of hot today isn't it? Yes of course it is scorching hot I need to bask in the pool all day. He was so calm and it was nerve wrecking... where the hell where they?

Diamond wracked her mind for what had happened between Daniel and her and the memories of Sunday rushed back to her.

She was wallowing over what had transpired between she and Orlando, Janelle came over and invited her to supper and she was heading out to help her cook when she bumped into Daniel and he stuck something in her neck. Trying to free herself from the cuffs Diamond only hurt herself in the process. "HELP!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, feeling a burning sensation in her throat. She was parched. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" She screamed again coughing at the end. She needed water. Daniel only looked at her with pity in his eyes and slowly a smiled webbed its way on his face. "Soundproof." He guffawed. "Scream all you want but no one will hear you." He whispered in her ear before biting her earlobe.

Her heart picked rate, and her skin crawled when his mouth came into contact with her ear. She felt terror course through her body like never before when he let her know the walls were soundproofed. No one could hear her scream; no one will come to her aid.

"Only I will be hearing those screams and I prefer my name... not help me, help me. That is not romantic at all." He confessed the thoughts of his wily mind.

Diamond chocked on air. He wouldn't dare... would he?

"Please Daniel... let me go. I am sorry for whatever I did to you. Just let me go please." She begged as she had no idea why the guy was acting the way he was but her money was on insanity and psychotic. The man was beyond.

"Aren't you hungry? You must be. You have been out cold for over seventeen hours now." He told her after he saw the time reading ten o'clock on Monday morning. Reaching into the paper bag he pulled out a chicken fold-over and fries for the lady and a triple cheese burger for himself.

"Mo-Monday? I slept here? Chained like a prisoner?" she asked her heart dancing towards her throat, she felt nauseous like she would throw her guts and heart in the next coming minute.

"Mhm." Daniel replied. "I am going to free only one hand so you can eat okay?" when Diamond nodded quickly he changed his mind. "No I will feed you, yes I will feed you. You are my woman and I love you so when you can't feed yourself I will help you baby." She told her.

My woman? I love you? On which freaking planet???

Diamond looked at him, the man was crazy. He has lost his damn mind. "Daniel I am not comfortable like this. My back hurts and my arms are tired." She wasn't lying; a tear rolled down her cheek and couldn't even wipe it off. Diamond was scared for her life. No one knew where she was, the walls were soundproofed she was doomed.

Wiping her tears off Daniel told her he will be back and made a quick dash out of the room before Diamond could even see what was outside, the door closed. The room was absolutely bare; there was nothing she could use in there as means of weapon against the crazy bustard. He had it all planned and figured out.

Returning shortly Diamond closed her eyes, dread taking over her body. Dread plus fear and confusion drove the woman damn right near insanity. He brought a gun with and clicked the safety off and placed it on his hip. "I will set you free, but if you try anything funny baby... I will kill you and I will drop your body in an ocean and sharks will feed on you until there is nothing left of you. Do you understand me my love?" he looked into her eyes, damn his eyes were beautiful but they reflected insanity, freaking madness. The man was insane. His head had nothing, it was vacant.

Feeling relived that he set her arms free she stretched them and massaged her forearms feeling pain go through them. Daniel was a monster why in God's name will somebody let another person sleep with cuffs on? She didn't even sleep willingly, she was drugged...

"Why are you doing this?" she asked her mouthful of fries.

"I love you."

"What do you mean you love me? Do you drug and kidnap the people you love?"

"My love you don't understand. If I hadn't done what I did, you'd be gallivanting with that rich loser who doesn't even love you like I do. He just wants your body and he will discard you like piece of garbage. You deserve to be loved, and I will love you."

Diamond kept quiet and ate her food until there was nothing left. She was ravenous.

Still shackled to the bed by her ankles she thought of ways to manoeuvre the situation, she had to free herself from the lunatic in the room. "I don't love you Daniel. I don't want to love anyone." She told him and he looked at her, the stupid smile never leaving his face.

"My sweet Diamond, you worry too much. I will love you... you will learn. We have the rest of our lives together." Okay now he sounded absolutely cracked, damn sense hiked out his mind. The rest of their lives together, that did not sit well with Diamond. She had to get out of there before finding herself married to the cracked man.

"Okay." she replied him taking him by surprise, his face said so. That was a fast change of events, from yelling for help to flatly agreeing to Daniel loving her, he was confused but that was only for a minute.

Daniel grinned and hovered over her his lips claiming her in a wet demanding kiss. She shivered underneath not from pleasure but purely from disgust, the man disgusted her. When Orlando kissed her, it was different; it ignited a spark in her whole body and caused her to yearn for more. When Orlando looked at her all she wanted was to mould her body into his and have him hold her, caress and kiss her. But Daniel's mouth on hers...

"Don't even think about it." She told him pressing his gun to his stomach. She had tricked him.

Daniel looked at her and his eyes turned a stormy shade of scary. "Diamond..."

To be continued... 

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