If Only (Prologue)

Start from the beginning

Giving my hair a last brush, I walked out of the dressing room and made my way towards my room where he was waiting for me. I never knew, when we got this close. When we became that couple that people dreamt of and the girls in my school envied. However he was no less of a man, any girl would ask for. Hot and at the same time, caring and considerate.

As, I walked closer to my room, his voice caught my ears. His words weren't clear but the intensity of his voice explained that he might be annoyed. He had his part of anger but he never poured it over me. He said that sometimes his work gets on his nerves. You can't expect someone to stay calm at such a point, can you?

I knew. As soon as he would see me dressed up in his choice of dress, he would melt away in no time.

I reached the threshold of my room. He was facing the wall on the either side. The evening sunrays, invading into the room through the curtains and crashing into his platinum blonde hair, making it shine in an even brighter shade of grey.

" Do whatever you want to, but stop poking your nose into my business." hissing out his last line, he disconnected the call.

I called out his name and he turned.

As soon as his eyes fell on me, he did a quick scan over me and the shape of his expression changed within a fraction of a second. The rage that was reflecting off  his eyes vanished and a yearning took over along with a smirk that quirked up his lips. He stuffed his phone inside his pocket, not breaking the eye contact and started striding closer to me.

My cheeks were heated up and my excitement was rising. He stood close to me and slowly brushed off a loose strand of hair from my bare collar bones. The tip of his warm finger brushing through the exposed parts of my skin left me shuddering in my own stand. The effortless effect the man had over me.

He let his finger tips trail through my shoulder blades down to my arms, leaving goosebumps everywhere his fingers grazed.

"You are beautiful." He marveled in a huskier tone and I failed to stop the excited smile that curved over my lips.

He walked further closer to me and let his lips crash over mine. After a brief kiss, he connected his forehead to mine, "Shall we?"

"Where are we going?"

Parting from me, he cupped both my cheeks "There's a surprise waiting for you, honey. I bet you will never forget."

I could do nothing but nod. A boyish grin quirked up his lips at the expression of my assent. He tangled his fingers into mine and pulled me with himself.

Every time, I walked with him, there is nothing I ever bothered. When I am with him, I am safe. As, we reached the leaving door and made our way towards the door, mom stopped us.


We turned around to see her fuming with rage. For some reason she never liked him. We never fought before. But the moment Corvett came into my life, she turned hostile and the distance between us started to grow more and more. She had always been the biggest obstacle between me and Corvett and she was being the same now.

She kept a glare piercing through Corvett. I glanced at Corvett to see him trepidated. Even for the repeated insults and calling out by my mother, he never revolted. Nor did he ever disrespect my mother. Rather he always explained it to me, that however she was she was still my mother and that was enough a reason for her to be respected. How could mom not see this?

I decided to break the awkwardness, "Mom, I will be back before you even know it."

"That won't be required." she replied, not breaking her raged stare from Corvett, "You are not going anywhere. Go to your room.

If Only..(Part 1 And Part 2 Included)(Under Edit)Where stories live. Discover now