Are you sad now that I'm around? Better turn that frown, upside down (or else)

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Chapter thirty-four 

Ferns brushed against his sides, tracing lines in his short pelt. He resisted the urge to shake out his fur and even it out again. Froststar paused with one paw raised, ears flicking back and fourth as he listened, mouth parted as he breathed in scents. "Fresh SkyClan scent, we just missed a patrol. Berryleaf?" he addressed the former SkyClan she-cat.

"Barkstar only sends one patrol out at a time, unless it's leaf-bare. So the border patrol will just have reached camp about now and a hunting patrol will be formed. There could possibly be mentors training apprentices or cats taking a stroll. That's what my brother will be looking for," she finished, then twisted her body around to lick a splotch of white fur. Cedarfur had taken a small patrol of two other cats to see if there were any SkyClan cats in the forest. They couldn't allow any cats to warn RiverClan or get backup.

Froststar was immediately alert at the sound of rustling plants, but it was only the returning patrol with Cedarfur, Firelily, and Pigeonwing. "Two cats are out," Cedarfur reported. "Rainfrost and Whiskerpaw."

"Did they see you?" Froststar asked.

"No," Cedarfur replied.

"Good," Froststar rumbled. "Pigeonwing, take Pebbleleap back to that spot. Attack them when you hear the sound of battle, we can't let them escape." Both cats nodded curtly before dashing off.

"Does that mean we can attack now?" Russetstar asked eagerly. The ShadowClan leader and some of his warriors would attack alongside Froststar's, then they would run back to camp and swap out their warriors, then attack RiverClan.

"It does," Froststar growled, flexing his curved claws- freshly sharpened. Excitement pricked the air at his words. Bunching up his haunches, Froststar sprang forward. His warriors- and ShadowClan's- followed him. His paws landed lightly on a patch of moss. Froststar sprang forward again, clearing a raspberry bush, then sprinted forward again. He could just hear the other cats as they hurried to keep up as silently as they could. I've been to SkyClan camp twice in my life, I remember how to get there.

But don't you want to get there as quick as possible? Take a left at that birch tree, now go straight until you reach the hazel shrub. Good. Froststar listened to Sageweed's instructions in his head until he spotted the bramble barrier of SkyClan's camp. He stopped right outside the entrance and motioned with his tail for his warriors to slow down. Russetstar stepped up next to him, and they shared a small nod.

Froststar pushed is way through the bramble barrier, Russetstar on his heels. He entrance was met by dead silence, as every SkyClan warrior turned to face him in shock. Barkstar was standing on highrock. It looked like they Clan had just held a meeting. Barkstar's brown fur was bristling, his mouth dropped open. This is going to be fun.

"I'm sorry," Froststar purred, sitting down, licking a paw, and drawing it over his face. "I didn't realize I was interrupting a clan meeting. Please, continue," he sneered. Some of his warriors chuckled.

"F-Froststar? Why are you here?" Barkstar asked, but the ThunderClan leader could already hear the note of defeat in his voice. Froststar chuckled.

"I think you know." He examined his claws, letting the sun's rays glint off their thorn-sharp tips. "ThunderClan, attack!" His warriors exploded around him, yowling with glee as they leaped forward with claws unsheathed. Some had submit to the darkness inside them, the small seed in everyone's heart that Froststar helped to grow. Others convinced themselves attacking was the only way, that they had no other choice to survive. The rest of his Clan, and warriors in ShadowClan too, attacked because they were afraid.

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