As Keith got up, he was extra careful, remembering that he wasn't just having to worry about himself anymore. From now on, he was doing everything for two. He had to think more in depth about his decisions, and how they would effect the baby.

The omega decided he should probably get up and start getting ready for Lance's. He'd probably be heading over to his house soon, so he started grabbing clothes. It was just a simple outfit, a Panic! at the Disco t-shirt and some ripped, dark blue jeans. He also put on his beat up, old black Converse that had been with him through literally everything.

After Keith had brushed his teeth and finished getting ready, he departed from his room. He slowly went down the stairs, wishing that he could take something to ease the pain of his raging headache. But that was a no no. Apparently ibuprofen was bad for the baby, and he'd discovered that while surfing on the web the night before. Considering he hadn't been able to sleep anyways, Keith had found the time to research some do's and don'ts.

" Hey, Shiro." Keith yawned, seeing his brother in the kitchen. He was currently having some sort of sandwich, but the second he saw Keith, he set it down. Keith made a face at the weird look his brother gave him. " Shiro?"

" Keith, do you have something to tell me?" Shiro asked him, narrowing his eyes as the other boy got himself a glass of water.

The omega's insides were pulsing. His heart was rattling inside his ribcage, and he almost instantaneously broke into a nervous sweat.

" No?" He raised an eyebrow at Shiro, actually doing an okay job playing dumb.

" I'll ask again. Do you have anything you should probably be telling me right now?" Shiro looked at Keith seriously.

" What do you mean?" Keith asked, coming to sit across from him.

Shiro sighed, moving to toss an empty box of heat suppressants onto the table. And Keith's face just sank.

" Why were you looking through my trash?!" He angrily exclaimed.

" It's garbage day. While I was going around, I saw this in your trashcan, but that's not what we're talking about." Shiro said, sliding his plate and sandwich off to the side. " Did you take these because you're pregnant?" He sternly asked him. And Keith sat stiff, not answering him with words. The look on his face was really making Shiro worry. " Keith."

Keith looked down.

" I didn't go through with it..." The omega mumbled.

Shiro breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still steamed at his little brother for keeping this from him.

" Keith, how could you do this? One, you're pregnant after I've told you a million times to be SAFE! Two, you went behind my back, and almost gave yourself an abortion, which-newsflash, can hurt the baby instead of killing it! And three, you STILL tried to lie to me about it! What the hell!" Shiro had told himself that he wasn't going to yell at Keith for this, but he was beginning to lose his temper.

" I'm scared, okay?!" Keith felt his eyes tearing up as he raised his voice. Instead of helping the situation, he was effectively making it ten times worse.

" Scared?! You're pregnant, Keith! Do you know how serious this will be if we don't take care of it soon?!" Shiro exclaimed. And Keith stopped prepping himself for what he was about to say.

" Take care of it?!" He yelled, getting up. " Just what do you mean by that?!"

" Keith! You know exactly what I mean! You're still a kid, you couldn't raise a baby even if you tried!" Shiro wasn't meaning to sound as cold as he did, but hell, he was an actual ice cube.

I'm Not Easy {Klance Omegaverse/ HS AU}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin