Knock Knock Knock.

I waited patiently for Stephen to answer the door. When I heard the locks pop and the door knob twist my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. He smiled at me but all I could do was frown. Considering that I've been avoiding him lately he surprisingly looks happy to see me.

"Hey baby." Stephen said as he pulled me into a hug. He kissed my lips which also came as a surprise. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Just saying that alone was hard to do because truth be told I don't miss him.

"Come in." He stepped aside. "Sorry for the mess. I was busy when I saw your text."

"No it's okay." I took a look around his room. It definitely could've been cleaner. I don't think I've ever seen his room this dirty.

"So what's up? You said we needed to talk?"

I sighed. "Yes and I think you should take a seat for this."

Stephen stared at me with confusion as he sat beside me. "What's this about April?"

"Us. It's about us."

"Okay. What about us?"

"Stephen." I said as I took both of his hands into mine. "You know I love you, right?"


"And you know I don't want to do anything to ever hurt you, right"?

"I know that baby, so what's up?"

I sighed. "I think its time that we go our separate ways."

Stephen suddenly pulled his hands away with an confused yet angry glare in his eyes. "What are you talking about April?"

Internally I am screaming. I knew this wasn't going to go well but I'm determined to see this through. I have to.

"It's just....I don't feel like we're in love anymore."

"We're not in love? April I've been in love with you this whole time. So you don't love me anymore?"

"Things have changed between you and I Stephen. You can't tell me that you haven't noticed."

"I mean yeah things have been a bit estranged but that doesn't mean I've stopped loving you. I still feel the same way about you."

"Stephen please don't lie to me."

There may very well still be a possibility that Stephen loves me but he isn't in love with me. A man in love does not go have sex with other women. A man in love would not leave his girl stranded to go be a hoe. He can't possibly be in love with me because if this is his new form of love I don't want it.

"April I've never stopped loving you."

"I just don't feel the same way about you anymore Stephen. I've been trying to find ways to hold onto our relationship but I just can't. I can't do this anymore. We don't have to be a couple but I would really like it if we could carry on as friends."

"As friends?" His voice suddenly cracked. "Are you serious April?" Is he about to cry? I hope not. I don't think I can stomach the sight of it.

"I don't see the need for us to be enemies."

"And I don't see the need for us to be friends. Are you doing this right now April? Are you seriously breaking up with me?"

I lowered my head. "Yes."

Stephen got up from the bed and began pacing the floor. The room was silent. I was too lost in my thoughts and it was clear that Stephen is upset. Yet no matter how terrible I felt inside I have to see this through. I have to end things.

Nothing Like A Good GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora