First, archery. Kiro didn't want to taught me so Kora did. It was so hard especially aiming and keep on focusing while pulling the string. Kora's a genius especially Kiro who can shoot his arrow soooo fast.

Second, spear. Seriously this is the hardest after axe. For using it I must learn how to spin a staff correctly and the real spear was kinda heavy. I can't believe Nova who's shorter than me can control it beautifully.

Third, axe. For God's sake this is just like using spear but larger blade and it's heavy. It's super hard and I almost got my feet chopped by Artemis' axe.

Fourth, dagger. A small knife that's thrown to attack the opponent. Leo's side weapon and he's a savage teacher if I do say so myself. He taught me how to throw it properly but the umpteenth time I tried.

I threw a dagger and it failed to stuck in that tree and fell down. One word that he said.


With his poker face like Kiro's. Okay, moving on.

Fifth, sword. This time, Kora told me that there's Sora, who use sword but Leo is more pro at using sword. But then Apollo is the one who taught me and it's easier that the rest of all weapons but his style of fight and Artemis' is kinda different because Apollo's sword is like move is rough and kinda brutal. Artemis, is like flowing and fast, if I say it's like a snake.

So they managed to taught me and my style is like a fusion between brutal and smooth. But I can't do that everytime because it's tiring. So, Leo taught me this Sora's technique which is the standard sword technique and it kinda fits me because it's simpler than the rest of all.

But just as he finished teaching me the super basic moves then he told Apollo to continued the lesson.

But well, Apollo is still patient and caring. He's fun and always joking though sometimes it's cheesy. Leo, he's savage, doesn't really care about me, and can't really taught someone patiently until his apprentice is able to do it perfectly then he finally continued the next lesson.

But Kora said that Leo is actually really caring. Especially to his loved ones. Maybe I'm just a stranger to him. But well, forget it my main mission is going back to my world. I must go back!

"[y/n]!!! We'll continue later! Let's have dinner!" Jilly called me with her mouth full of a grilled stag's meat cooked by Amethyst.

"Coming!" I didn't realize that it was already sunset and just by smelling it, it made my tummy growls.

Leo was already ran towards Amethyst and took a piece of meat and ate it.

"KYAAAAAH!!!" Nova screamed.

We all panicked because of that scream and the others already prepared their weapons.


"What was that jump scare Leo?! You almost made the meat fell!!! What if the others haven't got their meat? Stop doing that!" Amethyst shouted in disagreement and I realized that she was like a mother to all of us.

"What are you? My mom? No, right? Stop telling me what to do." There he goes with his savageness.

Amethyst already prepared her fist to punch him but Nova and Jilly tried to stop and hold her while Artemis and Kora still continuing their dinner and cheered.

"Punch him!! Punch him!!!" there's Apollo and Kiro too behind them cheering together.

Though it seems like a chaos, or a fight, but there is this warm feeling... It felt like home. I can felt the warmth between the atmosphere though they're always fighting, mocking but actually they loved each other. I miss my friends... Friends are the only peoples who can accept me who I am. Now I remembered my family... I can't be who I am at home. I can't really tell that my parents truly loved me they always shouted, never spoke nicely to me. All they did is comparing me to my friends, mad if I didn't do what they wanted.

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