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My alarm went off and I jumped up. I turned it off and reached down for the whiskey bottle. Once I got it I saw it was empty.

"Bloody hell." I mumbled.

I got up and took a shower grabbing most of my stuff. I got the room for a month so I'll come back here when I come back from Washington.

I went out to my car and looked at it and cursed myself. I knew it. I knew they were gonna do something. I just hope this was all they did I need to get to the airport.

I got in my car and threw my bags in the back. I placed my key in the ignition and turned it. My car made a sound but the engine didn't turn over. I sighed. "What the bloody hell did y'all do Rebecca." I said to myself.

I sat there for another 5 minutes trying to start the car. Then a old white couple was walking past me and the woman stopped me.

"Last night when me and my husband were coming out for air there was 3 girls. 2 were running a key across your car while the other put sugar in your gas tank." She said nodding her head.

I felt my blood start to boil but I put a smile on face. "Thank you ma'am."

"Oh your welcome son. Do you want me to call the police?" She asked.

"Oh no no. Thank you. I know what to do." I lied because in reality I didn't know what to do.

I got back in the car and slammed my door. I picked up my phone and called Rebecca. "Are you bloody serious." I yelled in the phone.

I heard her sigh. "Oh Pierce. You know it's the 21st Century where it's now a app called Uber. You can use that."

"Sister. You will regret this." I said in the phone.

"Yeah whatever. You need to get off the phone with me and call your uber."

I heard a small laugh over the phone and that made me even more angry. "This is so childish." I yelled.

"You know you're going to miss your flight if you don't get off the phone with me." Rebecca said hanging up the phone.

I sighed and pulled the phone down for my ear and shook my head. It's a beautiful morning.

I downloaded the Uber app because looks like that's gonna be how I get to the airport this morning.


I woke up and ran to the bathroom. Throwing up stuff I ate last night. Rebecca and Morgan came in the bathroom. Rebecca held my hair while Morgan rubbed my back.

"Oh gosh. Are you sick?" Rebecca asked.

"I don't think so." I said throwing up again.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked.

"She can't be pregnant. She's hasn't done anything." Morgan stated.

I looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. She looked down at me confused.

"You haven't ." She argued.

I got up and flushed the toilet. I shook my head as I started putting the toothpaste on a tooth brush.

"And you didn't tell me." Morgan said shaking her head.

"I don't have to tell you everything we're not in High School."

"Did Pierce use protection?" Rebecca asked leaning back on the door frame.

I shook my head and spit out the toothpaste. "No."

"Oh bloody hell. Well this is great for me because I'm going to have a niece or nephew by a mom I actually like and I know Pierce is gonna be excited." Rebecca said.

I stopped her. "Rebecca we don't know that I'm even pregnant. Maybe it was just a bug or something." I said waving her off getting mouthwash.

"I don't think so. I think your pregnant." Rebecca argued.

I rolled my eyes and spit out the mouthwash. "Nooo you hope I'm pregnant."

She nodded her head. "Yeah that, too." She said then her phone started ringing. She took out her phone from her pocket and rolled her eyes as she answered and put it on speaker.

"Yes brother?" She asked.

"Are you bloody serious!" Pierce yelled over the phone. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh.

Rebecca sighed. "Oh Pierce. You know it's the 21st Century where it's now a app called Uber. You can use that." She shrugged.

"Sister. You will regret this." Pierce warned.

"Yeah whatever. You need to get off the phone with me and call your uber." Rebecca stated looking in my bathroom mirror.

Morgan let out a small laugh. "This is so childish." Pierce yelled.

"You know you're going to miss your flight if you don't get off the phone with me." Rebecca told him hanging up.

Then she looked back at me. "When did y'all have sex?"

I shrugged. "I don't remember when."

She sighed. "Well you work at a hospital just get a pregnancy test there."

"Rebecca don't say anything to Pierce okay ? I will tell him if I'm pregnant." I told her.

"Okay. I need to get a lawyer for him anyway." Rebecca said changing the subject.

"Why?" I asked turning to look at her.

"He's getting a divorce. So he asked me to get him a good lawyer." Rebecca explained.

I nodded my head understanding. "I hope he doesn't think that him getting a divorce now will make me go back to him."

"I think he knows that but I think he's going to try to get back with you anyway. You know he doesn't take rejection well but he'll be okay."

I went back to my bed and laid down. I really didn't feel like going to work today. "Morgan do you have to work today?"

"Of course." She said emerging from the bathroom. "And you have work too. So get up start getting ready. I'm going upstairs to use that bathroom."

I just nodded my head and she walked out of the room. "I am so glad you're not one of those girls who feel like the world has ended because they got cheated on." Rebecca said sitting on the bed. "Like I believe you're hurt but life goes on."

"Yeah. I miss him but I can't go back to him." I said shaking my head blinking fast trying to stop tears.

"Please don't cry. He's a dumbass and just because he took your virginity does not mean you have to go running back to him within a month." Rebecca schooled.

I sighed and nodded my head.

"So I'm going to get us Waffle House. Go on and start getting ready for work." Rebecca stated rubbing my hair.

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