
16 1 0

Brian in MM


I woke up to Cloey shaking me. I groaned and turned over.

"Get up Honey! This is the day of my engagement party! We have to start getting ready now."

"What time is it Cloey ?" I asked irritated. I was kind of on vacation and I couldn't even sleep in.

"12." She said sitting back. "The event starts at 5. Come on. We still need to get our nails done and we need to get our hair done." Cloey said excitedly. Clapping her hands together. "Come on get up Honey. You know you like to take hour long showers get up."

She jumped off the bed and I heard her run down the stairs. I groaned and sat up and checked my phone.

Morgan- I'm glad you made it back safely. Tell me how everything goes. Do I need to go get or check on our babies?

Me- You can go check on them. Pierce over there with them though they should be fine.

Pie❤- Good morning, love. I hope you have a fun day today and tell me when you get home tonight.

Me- Hey Pie. And I hope you have fun tonight also. Make sure you remember what I told you. You got this. I love you.

After I got done texting everybody back I got up and opened my suitcase took out what I was wearing out to pamper myself then I laid out everything I was gonna wear for the party.

"Are you wearing that to my party?" Cloey asked looking at me up and down

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"Are you wearing that to my party?" Cloey asked looking at me up and down.

"No Cloey. The clothes I'm wearing to your party is upstairs." I said putting my sunglasses on rolling my eyes. "I'm surprised y'all have any sun today."

"I told you it's not always raining. You need to move out here." Cloey stated grabbing a poptart. "You want one?"

I nodded my head and grabbed one and we walked outside to her car.

"So first we're going to get our nails done." Cloey said starting the car.

"All Imma do is pop them off." I shrugged.

Cloey gasp. "Why."

"Because I have a job where I have to cut into people-" I got cut off by Cloey making a lot of noise.

"Please no don't go into detail. I don't see how you do it. All the blood and seeing a raw brain." She shivered in disgust. "No thank you."

"It's really not that bad." I shrugged playing my game..

"How do you like that new artist Mahalia ?"

I looked up at her. "What makes you ask me that?"

She shrugged. "She just seems like the type of girl you would listen to."

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