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I was sitting outside the airport waiting for Honey. I didn't know if Morgan told Honey or not but when I talked to her on the phone I know she didn't. Honey sounded too happy. I knew when she was sad. I knew everything about her.

I stood by the car door when I saw her running toward me dragging her bags. A smile crept on to my face. I picked her up and hugged her tightly as her light giggles filled my ears. I definitely knew Morgan didn't tell her now. I smiled as she was giggling. I put her down.

I popped the trunk and put her bags in there. Once I got in the car I turned it on and Honey started dancing to some song I did not know.

She laughed at how I was looking at her.

"Esskeetit!!!" She yelled with the so called rapper on the radio.

I closed the door and began to drive off. I looked at Honey and how happy she was. How happy she is. I couldn't hurt her again.

"Got a new car got a new bitch got a new deal." She rapped looking at me while still dancing.

I shook my head. "I don't like this song." I complained driving off.

I started back driving just thinking. I can't hide this from Honey anymore. I didn't care about hiding it from Serena, but Honey, I loved her too much.

I didn't even know I was bobbing my head until Honey said something.

"I thought you didn't like the song." She said looking at me.

"Well this beat is nice." I admitted.

She laughed and started back rapping. "Esskeetit!!" She yelled again.

"And that part is catchy." I said still bobbing my head to the music.

She continued laughing. "Yeah I know. I don't even like him but this song is good."

Then another song came on but this was a singing song. I remembered when Honey used to sing to me.

"Let me sing to you." Honey said while smiling and turning to look at me.

"Feelings. So deep in my feelings." She started.

Her voice was so amazing. I started smiling as she continued to sing.

"Ooh, now I'll never get over you until I find something new that get me high like you do." She continued.

I thought about that line. I know I was leading her on. I know I'm stupid as hell for doing this. I know there's a 99.9999999999999999% chance that she will never talk to me again. I didn't want that. When Honey and I had that "blind date" I didn't expect it to go this far but Honey was looking so good even better from when we were little. And she made me more happy than my wife ever did our whole 8 years in marriage. And when we kissed I knew I was gonna keep coming around.

"You still sound amazing." I told her.

"Aww thanks Pie." She said giggling getting on her phone.

Pie.. I remember when she started calling me that. It was after we were done playing at the pool.

"how do you spell your name?"

"Pierce." I told her.

"Did you know the word Pie is at the beginning of your name." She said laughing.

"Yesss." I dragged.

"That's your new nickname, Pie." She giggled and walked off.

We pulled up to her house and Honey got out of the car and just walked in the house. I opened the trunk and grabbed all of her bags and walked into the house. I saw the dogs walking out of Honey's room and into their room. I walked back Into the room and sat the bags down by her door.

I sat on her bed and looked back to see Honey smiling at me. I instantly smiled back. Seeing her smile made me happy. She got up and went into the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the water start running and I laid back looking up at the ceiling.

If I told Serena I was having an affair she would boo hoo and ask me why and probably try to hit me again and tell me we have kids, and ask why would I hurt the family like that and blah blah blah. I wouldn't really care about her.

On the other hand if I told Honey I had a wife and two kids she would probably take it as a joke first then see that I'm serious and start fighting me. She might cry. And that would hurt me and when she leaves me that would hurt me even more. I might even start back drinking because then I know I would've lost her for good.

I didn't notice she was looking at me until she said something.

"Thank you for bringing my bags in." She said to me.

I looked over at her with her hair wavy from getting wet and her wrapped in a towel. She was so beautiful.

"Yep." I said going back in my original position. After she turned off the bathroom light and closed the door she came up to me and laid down.

"Hey what's up." She asked concerned.

I wanted to tell her right now and I was gonna tell her right now. I took a deep breath. "Honey I want you to know that I love you to death and I do not mean to hurt you in any way."

I felt her start to move a little uncomfortably and when she did that I knew she was nervous. That's what stopped me I can't tell her.

She nodded her head getting nervous. "I love you, too Pierce. What's going on."

I started rubbing her back and I sighed. "Nothing love, i just wanted you to know that."

She looked up at me."You sure?"

I nodded my head reassuring her. Damn it. I missed my moment.

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