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"Pierce. Tell me you don't have a wife." Honey said. That statement was like a slap in the face. I looked down and Honey jumped up with her fist in her hand.

"Look at me and tell me you don't have a damn wife." Honey yelled pulling my head to where it was facing her. I was trying my best to avoid eye contact but Honey had other plans. Lala started barking and growling.

I opened my mouth and closed it. Then I opened my mouth again and said, "I do have a wife." I looked down at my hands. I could feel my eyes watering. This is what I wanted to avoid. Her screaming at me.

Then she slapped me across my face. It stung for a while and I know my face was red.

"Get the fuck out." She told me tears streaming down her face. I can feel my heart slowly breaking. I just wanted to hold her all night and tell her how much I loved her but I knew that wasn't gonna happen. Not tonight anyway.

"Let me explain." I said.

She ran back to her room at the same time a tear escaped my eye. I wiped my eyes and went back to the room.

"Let me bloody explain!" I yelled.

She turned around to look at me. Her nose turning red with tears streaming down her face. "There's nothing to fucking explain !" She yelled back. "You have a wife!" She yelled.

She looked away as a soft sob escaped her lips. I hated seeing her cry. I hated it.

"You have kids too?" She asked sarcastically.

I looked down and turned my head. Twins I wanted to say but I didn't.

"You're an asshole! How could you do that? You have a wife and kids Pierce? What the hell." She yelled at me.

"Honey I was gonna tell you."

"When!" She yelled.

"I don't know. I was supposed to tell you yesterday." I said wiping my face. "But I couldn't see you hurt like you are now."

She shook her head and let out a dry chuckle. "Bullshit. Get out." She said to me. I turned around shaking my head. I walked past the dogs and opened the door about to walk out until I heard my name being called.

"Pierce." She called out.

I turned around with tears in my eyes. "Give me my key." She said holding out her hand.

I took out my key chain and got the key off laying it softly on her hand. I wanted to hold her soft hands but she quickly pulled her hand back. I couldn't even feel her hand. I looked down at her and she had tears streaming down her face and my face was probably looking worse than hers.

She closed the door in my face and I turned around going to my car. This is what people feel like when they have to do the "walk of shame". My sadness turned into anger really fast. I thought about who could've told her.

"Morgan." I whispered to myself. I went through my messages to find her. While Honey was in London she gave me her address in case I couldn't handle the dogs. I put it in my GPS and sped off onto the highway.

I pulled into the parking lot and went up to her loft. I banged on the door. "Open up Morgan." I yelled.

She opened the door. "Why the hell you beating on the door like you the police?" She asked

"You told her. I told you to wait." I said anger dripping in my voice.

"First of all. You told me you was gonna tell her as soon as she got back from London. You did the exact opposite. It's been damn near 5 days since she been back. I was already being dumb not telling her as soon as I found out." She said to me. "How did she take it?"

"She's bloody hurt. She's crying her eyes out right now. This was not how this was suppose to go." I said walking into her loft.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"I'm going home then I'm going to a bar and calling Rebecca to come down here." I said planning this all out in my head.

"You're gonna make this girl come all the way down from New York?"

"She'll do it just to grill me about hurting Honey. Then She'll go to Honey's house just so they can get together and do something crazy like key my car or slash my tires." I said shaking my head. "But I need my sister right now."

"What happened to your brother?" Morgan asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said walking out of her loft. I walked outside and got in my car driving home.

I pulled up to my house and got out going in the house.

"Hey daddy." Alyssa and Chelsea said coming down the stairs running to the kitchen.

"Hey babies." I said going upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone.

Serena came out of our bathroom and sat next to me. "Oh my gosh Pierce what's wrong? You've been crying. Talk to me."

I rolled my eyes and dialed Rebecca's number. I got up and walked out on our balcony.

"Hello?" I heard Rebecca ask.

"Hello sister."

"Pierce. What's wrong ? What do you need ?"

"Why do I have to need something? Why does something have to be wrong with me. Maybe I just wanted to talk to my sister." I told her.

I can feel her rolling her eyes. "Pierce cut the shit. What's wrong?"

"I need you to come down here.. it's Honey." I said.

"I'm on my way." She said hanging up the phone.

I took the phone from my ear and looked at it.

"Well now I know that's one way to get you down here." I said to myself.

"I guess you will never talk to me huh?" Serena said.

I turned around. "You wanna know what's wrong with me?"

"Yes I've been trying to figure it out for days now." Serena said walking towards me.

"I bumped into my first love again. Yes the black one. And I've been with her for the past few weeks. And I've fallen in love with her all over again and today she found out I have a bloody wife. I mean I was gonna tell her about you sooner or later once I figured out how I would get my kids but I'll just get Rebecca to help me with that. She never liked you much anyway. You wanna know why I was crying?" I asked looking at her as her eyes slowly watered and she was shaking her head. "Oh yes you do, you was just pressing me to tell you just a minute ago, well I was crying because I may never speak to that girl ever again in my life because I hurt her." My eyes watered again.

"Pierce what about you hurting me."

I waved her off. "Oh bloody hell. The only good thing coming out of this relationship was my babies, we were falling apart anyway Serena."

Tears started falling down her face and I walked past her packed me an overnight bag.

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