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I was laying down sleep. When my phone started ringing. I groaned. I can never sleep without being interrupted.

"Hello." I said answering the phone.

"Hey love I'm sorry I woke you." Pierce voice filled my ears.

I smiled. "It's okay, How was the event?" I asked sitting up.

" the event was boring. You weren't there with me, but Morgan was there that was interesting." He said.

I smiled thinking about how that went. I wonder why she went she's not a surgeon. "Okay. Did you raise any money." I said eager to know.

"Yep." He said popping the p.

I gasped. "Ooh how much?"

"I honestly don't know I wasn't keeping count." He answered.

I sighed. "Oh Pie."

I can feel him rolling his eyes which made me giggle.

"So what was Morgan doing there?" I asked still curious.

"Well apparently she has this boyfriend who's a sports therapist and he has surgeon friends and he was invited so he brung Morgan as a plus one."

"Ohhh yeah that makes sense. Well I'm about to go back to sleep. I'll see you later though Okay? I love you." I said waiting for him to say something back.

Seconds past and he didn't say anything. I looked at the phone to see if he hung up but the phone said he was still there.

"Uhh. Pierce." I said again.

"Yes love?" Pierce asked.

"I said I'm going to sleep and I love you." I repeated.

"Okay. I love you too. I'll see you soon." He said.

"Okay bye." With that I hung up.

I hope everything is okay with him. He still hasn't told me what was wrong with him that night he came in my house and got bit, but I'm going to just give him time.


"Bye Honey. I'm mad you only stayed for half a day." Cloey said hugging me.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I said hugging her back. "Imma miss you too and I'm going to come back I promise."

"Okay now go before you miss your flight." Cloey said pulling away from the hug. "And let me know when you land."

"Okay. Bye. Love you" I said walking away.

"Love you too." She said to me.

Once I got to my terminal I sat down and grabbed my phone.

Me- Hey Pie. I'm at the airport. Bout to be omw there.

Pie❤- okay I'm waiting love.

I smiled. He was still at work since it was only 5 over there and 10 over here. We are 5 hours behind them. My flight leaves at 11 P.M. London time and 6 P.M. U.S. time. And it's a 8 hour flight and some change. So when I land in the U.S. it will be about 2 A.M. but in London time it will be 7 A.M.

I sighed and got my stuff as they called for my plane. Once I got on the plane I noticed I still had my long nails on. I didn't feel like taking them off now so I decided to take them off when I got home.


I was woken up by the plane landing. I checked my phone and it was 2:30. I started calling Pierce.

"Hey love. You here?" Pierce asked.

"Yeah. I'm about to get off the plane. I was just making sure you were here." I said.

"Of course. You thought I was just gonna leave you hanging?" Pierce asked.

I giggled a little. "Why do you sound wide awake." I asked.

"Well I'm excited to see you. I missed you." He cooed.

"Oh please it was only half a day." I mentioned getting out of my seat and grabbing my little hand bag and walking off the plane.

"It could've been 30 minutes and I still would've missed you. I missed you as soon as you walked away from the car." Pierce said.

I smiled. "Cornball." I said laughing.

"You love it though." Pierce stated.

"Whatever. I'm about to see you in a little bit." I said to him.

"Okay bye." He replied.

He hung up the phone and I shook my head.


Pierce put my bags in his trunk as I got in the car. He turned the car on and "Esskeetit" Lil Pump was on on. I started bouncing in my seat.

"Esskeetit!!!" I yelled.

Pierce closed his door and looked at me.

"Got a new car got a bitch got a new deal." I rapped looking at him while still dancing.

He shook his head. "I don't like this song." He complained driving off.

Then before he got off on 85 he started nodding his head.

"I thought you didn't like the song." I said looking at him.

"Well this beat is catchy." Pierce admitted.

I laughed and started back rapping. "Esskeetit!!" I yelled again.

"And that part is catchy." Pierce said still bobbing his head to the music.

I continued laughing. "Yeah I know. I don't even like him but this song is good."

We pulled up to my house and I got out and ran to the door unlocking it. I was so ready to see my babies.

I walked in and I heard Lala barking and ran to me. Mocha was right behind her barking also. Lala jumped up on me and started licking me. Mocha was jumping up and down on my leg. Once I got Lala to calm down I picked up an energetic Mocha and she was licking in my ear.

I started laughing. "Okay okay." I said putting her down.

They followed me in my room and laid on my bed and I laid next to Lala with Mocha by my feet.

We laid there for a while until Pierce came in and they started dozing off..
"Alright babies go on to y'all room. I'll see y'all in the morning." I said to them.

They got up and walked in their  room.

Pierce walked in my room and placed my bags by the door and laid on the bed. I looked back at him and smiled.

I got up and went in my bathroom to take a shower.

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