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Serena in MM.


I was leaving the tux shop and on my way to my house. I sighed dreading going over here. The only reason I had to come over was to get my laptop and scans

I pulled up to my gate and punched in the code to get to my house. The gates slowly opened and I pulled in.

"Daddyyyyy!" The girls said running to me as I walked in the house.

"What in the world are y'all still doing up." I said to them picking them up.

"Well it's summer." Alyssa said shrugging.

"Dad we were wondering if you would watch Moana with us tonight." Chelsea asked biting her finger nails. I pulled her hands down from her mouth.

"Of course love go get the TV ready." I said kissing there cheeks and putting them down.

Serena was leaning on the wall and watched everything.

"Hey Serena." I said kissing her cheek.

"Hey Pierce. Are you staying here tonight?" She asked.

"That's the plan." I said walking into the kitchen to see caramel brownies on the stove. I walked over and got me a piece.

"So I heard theres an event going on at the hospital." Serena said walking over to me.

I walked around her and went to the refrigerator to grab some lemonade. "Mhm." I said pouring me a cup.

"Well I was hoping you would ask me to be your plus one silly." She said laughing.

I started drinking my lemonade and rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah. Will you be my plus one." I said finishing my brownie.

Honey was gonna be in London during the event so I guess I can take Serena. The only person I have to worry about is Morgan, but she's not a surgeon so she shouldn't be there.

"Of course honey." She said smiling walking to me. I finished my lemonade and walked around her going upstairs.

"Good." I mumbled going into our room.

"Pierce are you Okay? You've been acting distant lately." Serena pressed walking in behind me and closing the door.

"I'm fine. It's just work." I said waving her off.

"Well let me help with that." She said trying to push me down on the bed.

I pushed her to the side. "Not in the mood." I said kicking my shoes off and walking toward the door to watch the movie with the twins.

"What is wrong with you?" She yelled at me.

"I said it was nothing Serena! Now leave me alone." I yelled back.

"Not until you tell me what's going on with you." She said folding her arms.

"I said it was just work. What don't you understand." I said to her.

"Work never made you act like this. You used to call me at night to make sure me and the girls are fine and work never made you act distant with me." She argued. "Are you cheating on me?" She added.

"Oh here we go." I said sitting on the bed.

"Answer me!" She yelled.

"No Serena! I'm busy at work trying to keep you happy! Buy you all the fancy things you want. Keep you in style! Pay the bills to make sure the electricity works for your little experiments in the kitchen." I yelled at her.

She slapped me and I jumped up which made her walk back against the wall and I walked toward her.

"Don't you ever in your life put your hands on me again." I said looking at her. Tears streamed down her face but for some reason that didn't faze me at all. "Do you understand me." I said to her.

She just stood there still crying. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" I yelled at her.

She started crying harder and I turned around and went out the door to my babies room.

"Alright." I said excitedly clapping my hands. "Are we ready?"

"YEAHHHH!" They both saïd together.

I laughed as they both laid on me as the movie started. If it weren't for my babies I would not be here right now. I love my babies more than anything in the world. By the middle of the movie they were both knocked out. I put them in their bed and turned off the TV.

I went back to my room and went to my side of the bed and grabbed my laptop. I went in the closet and grabbed a duffle bag and threw clothes in there with a few hoodies just in case it started raining. And like clock work it started raining outside. I threw a hoodie on and zipped up the duffle bag and grabbed my other bag with my lap top in it. And began walking in my bathroom to grab my deodorant and my shampoo and conditioner. I sat my duffle bag on the counter and opened it back up to throw my stuff in there.

I began walking out of the room. "Where are you going!" Serena said still crying following me.

I jogged down the stairs and grabbed my keys and walked out. I threw everything in my car and drove off.

I was speeding down 75 ready to be with Honey. I was cutting in front of cars and cars were honking at me.

"Well move out of the bloody way!" I yelled driving faster. Then I saw red and blue lights in my mirror.

"SHIT!" I yelled pulling over.

I sighed and rolled down my window as the officer approached. He flashed his flashlight in my face and I put my arm up. "Is that necessary?" I asked.

"Dr.Gillies. What a pleasure it is to see you again."

"Officer." I mumbled.

"You do know you were speeding right?"

"Yepp." I said popping the p.

The officer looked at me and was tapping his flashlight against my window like he was thinking. "I'm going to let you go. It's not like $500 dollars will hurt your bank account anyway but drive safer Doctor." The officer said standing up.

"Got it." I said rolling up my window and driving off. Driving the rest of the way to Honey's house at the speed limit. Almost anyway.

I parked my car in front of her house and got out with my scans and laptop but I ended up leaving my duffle bag. I unlocked the door and walked in. Only to be greeted by darkness and Lala.

"Shit." I mumbled. Then Lala jumped on me making me fall and she bit my arm. I screamed out in pain as Honey came running around the corner and turning on the light.

"Lala Down! No!" Honey said.

Lala looked at me and growled some more and walked away.

Honey went and closed the door and locked it and looked at me. Out of anger I said, "You need to train that damn dog."

Honey looked surprised I said that. I automatically regret that I said that.

"Excuse me? She is trained. That's why she bit yo dumbass because you came in here at 1 in the morning and she doesn't know you. She's trained to protect this house."

I sighed and mentally cursed myself. "I'm sorry." I would never come at Honey disrespectfully like I just did. I love Honey to death.

She came over and looked at my arm and brought me to her bathroom.

"What's wrong with you? You seem tense." She said wrapping my wound.

I told her something that happened but not what exactly happened . That's what made me turn my head. I can't stand lying to Honey. I can't stand to hurt her. Just thinking about her finding out about Serena other than me telling her is killing me.

She turned my head. "Okay well you know you can talk to me."

I nodded my head. I knew I could talk to her just not right now. I wanted to I just wasn't ready to see her hurt.

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