"Really good actually."

"Not too cold?" I lightly frown and he shakes his head. "You should probably go get changed though, you don't want to get a chill."

"Okay mum." Calum grins and I roll my eyes at him. "Kiss first?" Calum pouts and I smile at him before he leans down and connects his lips to mine in a short but sweet kiss.


"Just ask her out." I nudge Ashton.

"No. Not yet." Ashton shakes his head. Emma had gone with Aria and Michael for some walk so I thought this would be the perfect time to give Ashton some encouragement.

"Well when?" I ask him.

"Soon." Ashton shrugs before grinning at me.

"Alright mister but don't take too long." I tell him and he rolls his eyes before nodding.

"What's going on over here?" Calum asks plopping down on the grass next to me.

"Your girlfriend is being pushy." Ashton says and I frown at him.

"I am not!"

"What exactly is she doing?" Calum asks with a small smile.

"I'm just giving him some encouragement." I answer for Ashton.

"For what?" Calum asks.

"For asking out Emma." I tell him.

"Oh." Calum grins. "I think I'm gonna side with Genie on this one, you need to ask her out ASAP."

"Of course you are." Ashton chuckles. "Seriously though I will ask her out. I just wanna plan something nice."

"Aww that's so cute Ashton."

"Yeah, yeah." Ashton grins. "Ahh guys my eyes aren't playing tricks on me right?" Ashton asks. Calum and I both have no idea what he's talking about till we follow his gaze and see Claudia and Luke laughing together.

"No we see it too." Calum frowns.

"I have to check this out." Ashton stands up quickly before going over to them.

"That's so weird." I shake my head. Claudia and Luke had been practically at each others throats later yet here they were laughing away.

"Agreed." Calum lets out a small sigh before laying down on the grass.

"Do you think they're gonna bang?" I ask Calum letting out a laugh as I lay down on my stomach next to him.

"Bang?" Calum laughs. "No I don't."

"Why not? And what's wrong with saying bang?" I ask him.

"I don't know I just don't." Calum shrugs. "Nobody says bang these days Genie."

"Uh whatever." I smile. "I kinda think they will though."


"They both have the hots for each other and have had some serious tension lately." I say and Calum smiles.

"Luke may of said that she was hot but Claudia is not his type." I frown at what Calum has just said.

"Isn't Luke's type female?" I chuckle. "You know as long as they have a v.agina?"

"What?" Calum frowns shaking his head.

"Oh. Actually I think that was you." I smirk and Calum glares at me.

"Okay that was mean." Calum grabs my arms and rolls us over so that I was now laying on my back and he was on top.

"Deal with it." I poke my tongue at him. Calum shakes his head before smiling.

"You wanna know my type?" Calum asks.

"Hmm." I pause as if I'm thinking about my answer. "Bar sluts?" I shrug.

"Oh no." Calum smirks leaning down to whisper in my ear. "It's you." He presses a small peck just under my ear before hoping off me. I sit up and look at him feeling frazzled.

"Wait. What?" I ask him.

"I think you heard me." Calum smirks at me before walking away and going over to where Ashton was with Luke and Claudia.

I was Calum's type. What did that even mean? Well I knew what it meant but I was still feeling really confused. Plus there was that stupid nagging voice in my head that was asking me or more like telling me that Calum was very much my type and always had been.

A/N: Filller chapter! I've just kinda planned everything that is going to go down when they get to the batch and lets just say it's going to be a little explosive ;) And it's going to include quite a few things happening that doesn't involve Genie and Calum :p

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now