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Pale blue light filtered in through the lace curtains from the early morning sun. Taehyung's nose scrunched up as his black eyes fluttered open, heavy with sleep. His arms were wrapped gently around (Y/n)'s thin waist, knuckles brushing against her soft skin underneath her t-shirt.

A wide grin crawled across his lips.

He was happy.

(Y/n) loved him; trusted him even. Even after everything he had done she still accepted him. She cared for him, relied on him - Taehyung could rightfully call her his now.

He was happy, happy because she made him feel like there was a purpose to his life. Happy because she made him realize that the world really isn't all that bad.

She made him forget: forget who he was, what he's done, where he's from, who he may become.

She helped him forget his fears. What was fear?

(Y/n) was all he needed - all he wanted.

He relished in the sensation of her body against his, surrounding him as if he were drowning in the depths of the foaming ocean waves, pulling him in until he could no longer breathe.

Kim Taehyung was in love with loving (Y/n). She was his cure - better than any of the drugs he'd ever been prescribed - and god, was he addicted.

So "hold me closer," he'd whisper to her as her eyes peeled open to greet the dawn's glowing light.


The investigator stood with a cigarette between his chapped lips. His eyes, wrinkled with age, were painted with black circles underneath them, the only indication that he had been up all night to crack this case. His hands furiously scribbled across his notebook in red pen, making several observations as he read the screen of his computer.

He glanced at the clock: 5:12 am.

It had been a week with barely any leads, but finally now as he stands in his office with only the artificial glow of his computer to lighten the dark room, he had finally accomplished something. The investigator had successfully tracked the license plate from the security cameras to the name; Min Taehyung.

Name: Min Taehyung
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Car Accidents: 0
Warnings and Violations: 0
Tickets: 0
Additional Notes: N/A

Unfortunately, this was all the investigator could pull from his records and he had noted that the initials k.th from the letters found in (Y/n)'s desk did not fit the name Min Taehyung, but either name could be an alias.

After this discovery, the old man spent all night watching hours of footage from security cameras and was able to track the car into Busan, but could not follow any further without consent of the Busan Police Department.

But, he was getting closer, so much closer.

By tomorrow he would expect to have successfully tracked down Min Taehyung for interrogation.


Jimin glanced at his wrist watch: 5:30 am. Then he glanced at the sky, it seemed as if the clouds would begin to cry any minute now - it was a good thing he brought an umbrella. It had been raining a lot recently.

He was on his way to work, currently waiting for the bus to arrive at his stop as he stole glances at the pretty brown-haired boy beside him. The pretty brown-haired boy whom was the sole reason he had been taking the crowded public bus instead of his luxurious limousine for the past week and a half to work.

He'd watch silently as he stumbled off at the same stop each day in front of the University. The college student always seemed so tired; his broad shoulders hunched over, sunken in eyes and pale skin, an off-white coffee cup clutched in one hand as his black hoodie hid him from society. The boy always wore headphones, but Jimin noticed one day that they weren't actually connected to music, simply being used to keep others from talking to him.

The elder wasn't quite sure why he developed such an infatuation for the familiar stranger, but he liked it - the feeling of being in love was a feeling that brought a warming sensation throughout his whole body and mind, a beautiful contrast to the loneliness he often experienced. But at the same time it felt silly, he had never really spoken to him besides a casual greeting in the morning and other than that he had shot him simply smiles and nods of acknowledgement.

Jimin only knew the shy boy's name from hearing him answer his phone once, "Hello, this is Jungkook." He had said in a soft, soothing voice.


Jimin liked that name. He liked the way it rolled off his tongue when he whispered it to himself the night after learning it, a smile curling on his lips.

Jimin smiled to himself just thinking about it.

As expected, the sky abruptly turned dark with a strong gust of wind, rain falling from the heavens in large, heavy drops. Jimin fumbled as he put down his briefcase and opened his yellow umbrella before he could get too wet.

He looked at his watch again: the bus was seven minutes late.

Then, he stole another glance at Jungkook as the boy stared up at the solemn gray skies, hearing him sigh as a big raindrop fell upon his hooked nose.

Jimin smiled as a spark of courage hit him, urging him to approach the younger with graceful steps and bring his umbrella over the boys head, standing closer to him. His right shoulder and his brief case would now become wet, but it was worth it.

Jungkook looked at him, slightly shocked but smiling as he murmured a quick, albeit quiet, "Thank you." 

"No problem," he replied, "I'm Jimin by the way, I see you every morning of course but haven't had the courage to introduce myself." He said honestly.

"I'm Jungkook," the younger replied, holding his hand out to shake Jimin's hand.

His grasp was gentle, as if he thought Jimin would shatter upon contact.

The two talked together until the bus arrived, and though half his body was soaking wet and cold, the warmth in Jimin's chest lingered the rest of the day.

I hope we can become closer, he desperately thought.

lmao I reread this whole story last nite and cringed so hard, this fanfic is trash delete me from wattpad
oh yeah and I apologize for how short this chapter is but hey, I threw in some Jikook?


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