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i remember your lips tasted faintly of cherries

Hoseok's eyes flutter open, surveying the light of the early morning sun through the bedroom's curtained windows. It blanketed the room in a pale blue glow.

Yoongi was of course still asleep, his back pressed against the younger's chest as Hoseok's arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Hoseok lifts his head from the pillow sluggishly at the sound of his phone vibrating against the bedside table. He stares at it confused, as it continues to ring. Glancing at the clock he notices it was only 5:00 in the morning, why would anyone be calling him so early? Hoseok contemplates ignoring it, too tired to deal with anything and just wanting to go back to sleep.

In the end, his hand stretches over and he picks up the phone, tapping the answer button.

"Hello?" He whispers, voice low and husky with sleep.

"Jung Hoseok? I'm sorry to call you so early but I wanted to update you." The person on the other line says. Hoseok recognizes the voice as the investigator he spoke with earlier, though he couldn't remember his name.

"Oh, no worries. Did you find anything?" The boy responds, heaving himself out of bed and wandering into the hallway to not disturb Yoongi. He suddenly felt much more awake.

"Well, not exactly. We were unable to find anything suspicious on any security cameras, however one near a parking garage did catch something. A figure, presumably male, was seen carrying an unconscious women down an alleyway and putting her in his backseat. It's not too suspicious, seeing as there are many bars around the area and the women could have been drunk - but it's something. Unfortunately, the footage is too blurry to identify anyone, but I have tech members attempting to read the license plate on the car." The investigator explains. Hoseok sighs, disappointed.

"Damn." He mutters. "Thank you for letting me know, sir."

"Not a problem, however, I do apologize that it wasn't much. I wish the best for your case." He responds.

Hoseok bids a goodbye and another thank you and hangs up, walking back into the bedroom with a displeased look on his face. Yoongi looks up at him with hooded eyes from the bed.

"Who was that?" He asks quietly.

"Just an investigator. Did I wake you up?"

Yoongi shakes his head no, then opens his arms for Hoseok to climb into as he gets back into bed. The younger kisses his forehead before cuddling back into his boyfriend, deciding just to fall back asleep and worry about absolutely nothing for the rest of the day.


Taehyung allows his mind to wander, thinking about how stupidly jealous he had gotten a few hours ago when he arrived back at Jimin's from the bank. He had seen the two out in the gardens from the window, (Y/n) seeming to have much more fun with Jimin than she had ever had with him, and immediately his heart had plunged into his stomach. Anger rose up in Taehyung's blood and it took all his power to not explode; after all, he had gone so long without losing it, he didn't want to end that there and certainly not in front of (Y/n) again.

But the way (Y/n)'s eyes lit up - she never looked at him that way.

And the way she leaned into Jimin's touch - unlike how she did with him.

Her pretty laugh escaping her lips when Jimin had told her something - she never laughed with Taehyung like that.

Maybe he was just being ridiculous, but his jealously got the best of him and he had acted on his emotions yet again, urging (Y/n) back to her room and completely ignoring Jimin. Taehyung had no right to be upset, after all, Jimin could have easily shooed him away when he showed up on his doorstep asking for help.

stockholm syndrome; k.thWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt