" You just want him out of our hair." André set down his fork and laughed in the back of his throat.

" Hey!" Lance exclaimed.

" Well, that's not entirely true. Otherwise, we wouldn't have a resident babysitter." Camila joked. " Oh, speaking of which, Lance, we need you to babysit tomorrow night. Ale has her book club, and we'll be out on date night."

" Ew! Mamá! You'll get cooties!" Marco announced loudly.

" The cootie monster is after mommy?!" Luis exclaimed, looking terrified.

" Are you calling papa a 'cootie monster'?" Ronny looked down at her brother in an irritated fashion. She was a daddy's girl, after all.

" If I'm one of those, then your mother has had cooties for a long time." Lance's father chuckled.

" Ewwww!" Marco yelled.

" Is she going to die?!" Luis asked frantically.

" No, sweetie." Camila was holding back her laughter. And Alejandra was pretty close to falling asleep in her chair. " I'm fine." She told him with a smile on her face. " But about the babysitting, do you think you can do it?"

" Well... can Keith babysit with me?" Lance asked hopefully.

" As long as you two behave yourselves I don't see why not." André said.

As much as Keith felt like he was about to puke everywhere, he still was happy to know that he'd be spending some time with his boyfriend.

" Yeah." Ronny said. " Behave yourselves."

" What is that supposed to mean?" Lance asked her.

" You know what I mean..." She gave him an 'are you serious right now' look. And Lance sent her a death glare.

" Veronica Estefania McClain, don't you dare start with your brother when we have a guest." Camila told her.

And Ronny grumbled something before focusing on her food yet again.

" So, Keith, back to you." Camila said. She was very talkative, and Keith was beginning to realize where Lance got it from. " You've been accepted to college, right?"

" Yeah." Keith answered. " I'm going to the University of Washington, in Seattle."

" Oh..." André said.

" We know it's far away from my school and everything, but we're going to make it work." Lance saw their reactions, and he grabbed Keith's hand under the table.

" That was my brother's reaction too." Keith said. " We're going to figure something out."

" But what are you going to do about... that?" Camila gestured to Keith's neck. " Lance, you know what happens if you guys are separated, with all the anxiety and everything." She had seen how her son had acted when Keith fell into a coma. It was anything but healthy.

" Like I said... we're going to figure something out..." Lance grit his teeth, obviously hinting that this was a sensitive topic. This dinner wasn't supposed to be about all the issues they'd have come August.

Camila realized Lance was telling her to stop pressing about it.

" Okay... I'm sure you will." She said, but she knew that there were going to be major dents they'd have to hammer out.

For a second there, Keith thought he'd have to rush from the room and find a garbage can, but he fought through it. He could feel puke just ready to launch, but he knew he'd have to do the disgusting thing and swallow it if it came up.

I'm Not Easy {Klance Omegaverse/ HS AU}Where stories live. Discover now