(46) Laxus x Lady!Reader ~ Happily Ever After {Monarchy AU} [Pt. 2]

Start from the beginning

"I was simply offering, s-"

"Don't you dare try to think for one second that getting me drunk will change my response!"

Visibly agitated and upset, Laxus turns to storm out of the room, but a strong grip on his arm prevents him from leaving. The king pulls Laxus closer, the stench of his breath nearly evoking the young man to gag.

"You don't have a choice anymore. In exactly one hour, you are to be dressed appropriately and present in the throne room. There will be serious consequences if you decide to skip out, and you will be receiving the punishment before the royal council, as a compensation for wasting their time. You have no idea how long I've tried to stall their demand for answers! Now, get out of here. You have an event to attend to."


Cheers echo loudly in the throne room as the king proudly strides into the throne room. Nobles, neighboring countries' members of royalty, and many other high status political figures gathered in the room await eagerly for the news to be revealed. At the side of the king, an irked Laxus stands with his arms crossed and a hard glare practically shooting daggers into the crowd.

"Today, my people and honorable guests," announces the monarch, "I am proud to announce that my son, the prince and the heir to the throne, will be married in three days time!"

Laxus stares at the man seated at the throne, his eyes wide with bewilderment. Announcing a marriage proposal is one thing, but declaring that two people, both of whom have never met and only just learning of their marriage, will be married in three days? Anxiety will definitely play a huge role during that marriage ceremony.

"Now, all you lovely people are probably wondering about the identity of the bride-to-be, but rest assured, all will be revealed at the ceremony. Her identity is to remain a surprise! What I can say, is that her father assured me that this young lady is more than capable of being a wife."

Clapping and cheers drowns out the light footsteps of the king and his guards, leaving Laxus in a panicking state once the weight of the situation truly settles into his brain.


Sitting in the king's office with his arms crossed, a frown stuck on his face, Laxus taps his foot impatiently as he sits through a sleep-inducing lecture. After the news the monarch suddenly declared without any notice, just being in the same room makes Laxus' blood boil.

'If I were king,' the blond says in his head, 'I wouldn't need to listen to the fool.'

"Pay attention," the king snaps. A hand comes flying down onto the desk in front of Laxus, pulling the blond away from his train of thought. "You have three days! I wasted a lot of my time and money for you, and I'm about to waste even more, so don't try to weasel your way out of this!"

"Oi, I didn't ask for this! I-"


With the wave of a hand, one of the guards at the desk walks over to the door and pulls it open, allowing for two other guards to step in, between them is a young girl being dragged by her arms. The large sack over her head obscures any chance for Laxus to see her face.

"Unhand me, you oaf!"

Despite the situation and his anger, Laxus cannot help but chuckle at the rebuke; even when the odds are against her, she still has a sharp tongue. He finds the girl's antics quite humorous, whether or not that is her intention.

A growl builds up in Laxus's throat as he witnesses the rough treatment towards the young girl. Obviously, she is unhappy and very unwilling to comply, but violence will not solve the issue. Laxus heard many tales of tragic wars from his grandfather, Makarov, and he has learned to seek paths to success through peace and understanding; the old man's stories always teach Laxus many lessons that have helped shape him to be the young man he is today.

"Oi, leave her be," Laxus demands with a clenched fist wrapped tightly around one of the guard's arms. Having been distracted by his anger, Laxus only now realizes that he had gotten up and walked across the room in order to reach the man. "She'll behave, right?"

Confused, the young girl wants to rebel more, to attempt to escape the bruising grasp of the men holding her in place, but the speaker's voice makes her heart flutter. She cannot remember where she met this man, but a small spark of familiarity ignites inside her, so she calms down and agrees to remain still.

"Why is she here, Father?"

"Oh, you know very well why this girl is here, Laxus."

"Wait? Laxus?! As in Prince Laxus?!" The young girl nearly shrieks at the realization of who stands in the room with her. "Are you serious?! My father is giving me away because he lost a bet to the king?!"


Pulling off the sack, Laxus stops breathing when his theory proves to be true. Never in a million years would he have guessed that (Y/n) was chosen by his father to be his bride — or maybe not considering the circumstances.

"You're the prince?!"

Laxus waits for the shock to wear off. He knows that, based on how he acted and was dressed back in the stables a few weeks ago, people would not think of him as the prince. His father has gone to great measures to keep Laxus out of the public eye as much as possible. The last time the kingdom has seen Laxus, excluding the marriage announcement, was back when the blond was a pre-teen. At the time, he sported long hair that his father thought best to not question nor reveal to the public, seeing as Laxus was a very moody kid, like a lit firecracker waiting to explode.

"Oh my- Why did this have to happen to me? N-Not that I-I dislike you, Y-Your Highness!"

Another chuckle emerges from deep within Laxus' chest. He finds her endearing, the way she stumbles over her words in a nervous panic, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Now, even though he clearly pushed away the idea of marriage, Laxus changes his mind. He will gladly marry, so long as (Y/n) remains at his side.

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