18. Love Me Again

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Author-nim here just wanting to say that for the next few chapters, in case anyone was wondering, Y/N's cast is gone. There was a time skip I forgot to insert. Sorry. Okay enjoy the chapter.

12:30 p.m.
Lunch Time (Detention Room)

I still can't believe Yoongi and I have detention!

Maybe he was right... maybe I should've just gone to Dance.

What am I saying?!

No, I did the right thing! In a way...

If I went, Yoongi and Hobi would have just gotten on my nerves with all the fighting and I can't take it anymore!

So here we are. In a un-used classroom with Librarian Jae-Soong. She's such a priss.

Plus, she's way too old to be wearing that much makeup.

"Okay, now, I want you two to sit there and do nothing. Absolutely nothing! Do I make myself clear?"

I nodded but Yoongi had his hand up.

"Um, Ms. Soong, what if I need to sneeze? I mean, I have to sneeze. It's natural."

She rolled her eyes and told him to sit down and zip it.

He sat down a desk away from me. So there was a desk in between us.

Good thing for that!

I asked if it wad okay to read a book and she allowed it.

I pulled out a graphic novel I got from the library and started to read that.

I could feel Yoongi's eyes on me.

I turned around so that I was facing him and mouthed the word, 'What!?'

He shrugged and looked the other way. I turned back around and continued to read my book.

*Time Skip*

30 minutes passed. It was very very boring.

I jumped when the phone in the classroom rang. Yoongi snickered and I glared at him.

Mrs. Soong got up and answered the phone.

"Mhm...Yes...Of course...I'll be there in five minutes...!"

She hung the phone up and walked over to us.

"Okay, you two, I have very important buisness to take of so I'll have to leave. But, there are cameras in here! So stay here and if either of you leave before next period, you'll have to deal with me. Understood?"

She looked mostly at Yoongi.

We nodded and she left. Yoongi got up to make sure she was gone and then gave me a mischevious smirk.

He ran over to the desk in front of me and sat in it, facing me.

I scoffed and continued to read my novel.

He laughed and snatched the book away from me.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing, Yoongi?!"

I got up and tried to get my novel back but he just moved it away even farther.

I rolled my eyes and attempted to get the book back again.

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