10. Saranghae (I Love You)

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Still in Dance Class
Dance Room w/ Hobi
8:00 a.m.

We ended up working on my dance because I was no longer working with Yoongi. He agreed on working with me on my dance halfway during class and afterschool. I cut on the music and we began to dance. I was having so much fun. Around halfway through the dance, we began to make up goofy dance moves.

"Hobi, you're stupid." I giggled and continued to do what looked like the chicken dance. He was doing some dance that made him look constipated. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Kimmi and Jimin came in hand in hand.

Those two are so cute, I swear! :3

Jimin began to laugh at our dance moves. Kimmi too. They asked if they could join our dance party and of course we agreed. I grabbed Jimin and Hobi grabbed Kimmi. Together, we all danced.

*Yoongi's POV*

Inside the Dance Room (Alone)
8:05 a.m.

I messed up, badly. With everyone. Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, and especially Hobi and (Y/N).

Ah, (Y/N), I miss you. I'm sorry...

I just sit in the dance room alone. I hold sit with my head in my hands. Why do I things like this to myself? It's so lonely in here. I really want (Y/N) to like me again. I want Hobi to be like my brother again. I want Namjoon and Jin to not be mad at me anymore. I want Jimin to be to by my annoying best friend again.

Saranghae, (I love you) (Y/N).

I pick up my phone and send (Y/N) a message. I hope she responds. I really miss her.

(Y/N) >:D

Yoongi: (Y/N), I know you don't want to hear from me right now but, I really need to talk to you. I miss you. Talk to me when you see this, please. :'(

I throw my phone across the room and begin to tear up.

What happened to me? Why am I like this?

I hold my head down and just cry. I don't care who sees. I just sit and cry. After a while, I get up and see Jimin, Hobi, Kim-Mi Young, and (Y/N) in a dance room all laughing and dancing together. They look like idiots. They're dancing like they're diseased. It's quite hilarious. Hobi's taking (Y/N)'s hands and spinning her around. She's laughing. Now, she's whispering something in his ear and Hobi kisses her.

Now, I actually do feel sick.

Not because their love is cheesy but because I love her too and seeing her kiss someone else makes me feel like I'll never get a chance with her. I cut on a song and just dance how I feel. This is really the only way I can express myself now. My dance starts off rough and angrily and then ends up sad and gloomy. I cut off the music, grab my stuff and leave the dance room.

*(Y/N)'s POV*
Inside the Dance Room w/ Hobi, Jimin, and Kimmi
8:30 a.m.

We've been dancing like maniacs for about 30 minutes. Hobi was spining me around and then I whispered in his ear 'Saranghae, (I love you) Hobi.' He got really happy and kissed me. Of course, Jimin and Kimmi were really happy so they started to say "Awwwww!"

I love them. And you to Hobi. <3

I went to sit down and saw my phone had a new notification on it.

1 new text message from "Yoongi-ah >:("


I told Hobi and the others that I was going to go to the bathroom. They nodded and continued to dance. I walked to the bathroom and checked the message from him.

Yoongi-ah >:(

Yoongi: (Y/N), I know you do want to hear from me but, I really need to talk to you. I miss you. Talk to me when you see this, please. :'(

Poor Yoongi. :((

Yoongi-ah >:(

(Y/N): I'm here, Yoongi. What do you want?

Yoongi: (Y/N)? I miss you. I haven't been myself lately. I've been feeling alone lately. I have nobody to cry to. I really need you. I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yoongi, please don't do this again. I know you love me but as you can see, I'm not ready to forgive you. Idk why i'm even texting u right now.

Yoongi: Please don't leave me. I need you. I don't know what to do with myself anymore... I need you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): God dammit, Min Yoongi. Why are you being like this? I can't love you! I'm with Hobi. You know that! I-I just... I don't know!

Yoongi: Just answer this one question: Do you love him? Or are you just using him to get over the fact that you love me?

(Y/N): How could you even ask me that, Yoongi? You heartless piece of-

Yoongi: Answer the question!

(Y/N): You know what, Yoongi? There was a time where I felt the same about you as you do for me. But now, I hate you. I love Hobi. I'm sorry... I have to go.

Yoongi: :'/

I began to cry.

See what you do to me, Yoongi?!

I wipe away my tears and get myself together.

Why is this happening again? Why am I crying over a guy who I hate? Why? Why? WHY?!

I look in the mirror. My face is red and puffy. I rinse my face off, dry it and walk out of the bathroom. I drink a sip of water from the water fountain and when I look up, I see Yoongi and Hobi. "H-Hobi, Y-Yoongi, what are you guys doing here?" I take a few steps backwards. They're standing side by side.

This is too much! Why are they both here?

Hobi walked up to me and held my hand. I wiggled my hand out of his grip and looked down. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" He lifted my chin and stared into my eyes. I shifted my stare over to Yoongi. He was on the verge of tears. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks as I looked at him. Hobi let go of my chin and looked at Yoongi then back at me. He whispered, "Is it about him?" I looked down and nodded slowly. He sighed and walked towards the wall. He leaned against it and had the most angriest facial expression on his face ever. "WELL, (Y/N), I'M TIRED OF ALL THESE TEARS AND FLIP-FLOPPISH LOVE! IT'S TIME TO CHOOSE! ME OR YOONGI?!" I looked at Hobi and winced. I can't believe he's making me choose! I looked over at Yoongi and he was crying. His head was down and I saw tears roll off of his cheeks and onto the floor.

The cold hearted yet emotional Min Yoongi or the sweet yet irritable Jung Hoseok?

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