Start from the beginning

"A possessing demon wouldn't have done this on its own." Alec said "The trap could only have been set using the Mortal Cup to command it."

"So he had it all along."

"And our intel shows he's also in possession of the Mortal Sword." I added, watching as Imogen's eyes moved to look at me, her eyes burning with empathy. She felt sorry for me, she thinks Jonathan mind-controlled me, used my demon side to make me keep him a secret from everyone else.

Well, that's what I keep telling myself anyway.

"Do you have any good news for me today, Mr. Lightwood?" Imogen asked, her gaze turning back towards Alec.

"Valentine and Jonathan believe that New York Institute is in possession of the Mortal Mirror." Alec replied, I almost laughed at the emotion he was feeling, he was bragging and he felt good about it. "They won't leave the city without it."

"Thank the Angel that at least he wasn't able to find that." Imogen smiled thinly.

"We were." Alec said before he turned to look at the Carrot-top next to me "Clary?" He gestured for her to speak.

Clary nodded shortly before stepping forwards, pulling me with her "Our connection with the Angel led us to it." She stated, gesturing to the both of us as she spoke.

"It's in Idris." I added "The Mirror is Lake Lyn."

Imogen gasped as she leaned back into her chair, she was shook as the cool kids would say. "That's the very same water that Raziel first rose from." She muttered, my eyes lit up at the mention of my father, would I maybe one day actually get to meet him? "Who else knows about this?"

"Unfortunately, the number of people we can trust is getting smaller by the day." Jace said, stepping forwards slightly "We though that it would be best to tell you first." Imogen looked away from us, her eyes watering slightly.

"And we'd like to officially request soldiers to be placed in the surrounding woods around the lake." I spoke up, my arm finding its away around Jace's back as I leaned against him. "It may only be a matter of time before that bastard realizes he's been had."

"I'll speak to the Consul Malachi about deployment at once." Imogen nodded her head "Good hunting." She smiled thinly before Alec clicked on the 'end call' button.

"So what do we do now?" Jace asked, his arm moving around my waist as the both of us walked around the desk, making it easier to speak to Alec and Clary as we faced them.

"There's only nine million people in the metro area." Clary mused out loud as she leaned her hands against the desk.

"How hard could it be to find two?" I added, letting the sarcasm lace my voice as Clary and I smirked at one another. "Especially when ones a raging blonde psychopath who loves Clary and I, plus a bald maniac who hates his own kids?" I laughed dryly "How hard can it really be?"

"The job is too big to go alone." Alec quickly spoke up, sending me a warning look as I rolled my eyes, I'm only trying to lighten up the mood. "We need to ask for help."

"From who, Al?" I asked him, my arms crossing as I stared at my best friend, watching as he stood up. "From everyone." He stated, smirking slightly.
"I don't wanna see her face again." I whined as we walked towards the meeting with The Downworld Council. Ever since the Seelie-bitch made Clary kiss Jace I've hated her, no matter how adorable she is.

"Stop being such a baby." Clary rolled her eyes playfully. I inhaled sharply and bit my bottom lip. Hurtful bitch. Welcome to my list.

"Can't help it, she may be adorable but she's filled with evil." I stated as we rounded the corner, the table where the meeting will take place came into view. The Seelie-bitches guards surrounding the place.

Jace sent me a look, a look that I didn't really want to be receiving, I quickly looked away and moved closer to Alec, wrapping my arm around his. "Where, oh, where is Simon?" The Seelie-bitch asked with that beau—annoying voice. Yeah annoying.

"Your Highness, what an unpleasant surprise." I smiled falsely "If it isn't too much to ask, can you go back to your realm, too much bullshit is radiating from you." I crossed my arms "It's making me sick."

The Seelie-bitch rolled her eyes as she stared at me, Alec gave me a look before turning to face the her "Well, I'm sure she didn't mean to—"

"No offence, Alec, but I agree with the first part of what Ariana said." Jace cut in "Your majesty, is this another one of your little games?" He asked, pulling me towards him, making me uncross my arms as he intertwined his hand with mine.

"The Institute called an emergency meeting of the Downworld Council." Seelie-bitch explained calmly "I speak on behalf of the Downworld." Wait, why wasn't I invited to these meeting before, I'm a doppelgänger, imma have Alec for this.

"Magnus, is this true?" Alec asked, looking over at Magnus who was standing behind Seelie-bitch's chair. Magnus looked away as little miss know it all spoke again "Henceforth, when you need anything from the Downworld, you shall address me, Mr Lightwood." She smiled. You're pulling my chain, I'll never ask her for anything. "Such is the nature of our new agreement."

Raphael shook his head gently while he looked away and towards the table. Luke did the same thing, not liking what was being said. "Your Highness, Valentine believes that the Institute has the Mortal Mirror." Alec stated "And he's not going to leave the city without it, I would like the Downworld's help in locating him."

"In order to capture him, so that he might escape once again?" Seelie-bitch asked, I rolled my eyes.

"No, We were actually thinking about finding him, going on a picnic and taking loads of pictures together, posting them to my instagram with the caption 'Chillin' with a villain.' And then maybe watching a movie." I stated in a bored voice, watching as Izzy smirked slightly and covered her mouth to keep from laughing. The Seelie-bitch rolled her eyed as I continued "Obviously we will execute him, so this treat can finally bloody end."

"Why should we believe you?" She asked, looking back over to Alec.

Alec sighed " I understand why you might doubt my intentions after what happened with the Soul-Sword, and for that, I am sorry." He apologised "but I founded this council to make things more transparent between the Downworld and the Clave."

"And how's that been going?" Seelie-bitch asked.

"It's been a bit of a work in progress." Alec replied as we all watched as she stood up.

"For far too long, the Downworld had depended on the clave and your Institute to protect us from men like Valentine." She stated "It's time we learned our lesson and started fighting for ourselves, after all." She turned to look at me "Aren't doppelgängers meant to fight back, to protect their people?"

"We can't do this alone." I spoke up, glaring at her "I may be wired at the brain to sacrifice myself for my people, to protect them. But Valentine is a threat to us all, and I can't protect everyone at once."

She stared at me for a few seconds, her eyes twinkling with emotions as she sighed "The answer, shadowhunters." She paused for a few more seconds "is no."

"Bitch." I muttered under my breath, watching as she began to walk away from us "come along." She stated towards Magnus, Luke and Raphael. I frowned as Magnus walked after her quickly, ignoring the look Alec was giving him. 

Authors note,
Sorry it's late, I've been really tired lately and keep forgetting to update this book, but I promise to keep up with weakly chapters! Hopefully!


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