5. It's snowing

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WARNING! Sad chapter ahead, don't read if you're in a good mood.

"Move your hands away, I'll help you right now. Thanks for helping me, Luxurio!" Lytton appeared by my side and shooed my hands away.

The silver haired boy, who's name I guess is Luxurio, crunched down next to Lytton.

"No problem, Butterfly. She saved your life and now it's your turn to save her, I just helped you a little since you hate fighting." Luxurio's silver hair slowly changed his color into pitch black, leaving me in awe.

"What-Auch." I winced when Lytton pressed his hands on my wound.

He sheepishly smiled. "Sorry. It may hurt a little, but at the end you'll be fine."

My side was burning and hurting like hell, but when a light green light appeared  from Lytton's hands, the burning and the pain shortly turned into warmth. Unlikely Sharpedon's healing power, the warm feeling didn't stop at the injured area, it slowly enveloped my whole body making me relax completely.

"What...?" I stupidly asked as I started at Lytton through heavy lids.

He beamed. "I'm a healer! I heal people's injury and while doing that, I can also make them relax. That's my special power!"

"And..." I trailed off gazing at Luxurio.

"Oh!" he gasped and hugged Luxurio's right arm. "This is Luxurio and he is one of my team mates! He is also the one who beat that dried flower." he said with a close mouthed smile that made his cheeks puff out, his different colored eyes shining.

God, this guy is too precious for this world.

"How did you do that? How did you froze me and that guy?" I asked the once silver haired boy with a pointed look.

"Luxurio has a super special power! He can froze time! Isn't that awesome!!" Lytton said excited while the other one scoffed.

"You know, you don't have to tell everyone about my power. You know that I don't like having random people knowing about it..." he trailed off with a frown.

Lytton wrapped himself around the poor boy like a Venus flytrap. "I'm sorry, Lux, but you know that I'm not doing it on purpose. I only want everyone to know how awesome you are!"

I chuckled at the nickname Lytton had for him and at the sore face Lux  made. "Butterfly, I already told you to not call me that, especially in front of strangers."

"But, she's my friend!" Lytton weakly fought back and Luxurio fixed him with a glare.

"Oh, yeah? Then what's her name?"

Lytton furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know, but Marx knows it! Marx talked with her when she and her tall friend saved me."

I finally raised in a sitting position, tired of their bickering. "I'm Shadow Thunder of Moonlight, nice to meet you. See? Now he knows my name which means that we're friends." 

"Really?! Do you really want to be friend with me??" he asked as his whole face lit up as a Christmas tree and my heart ached for him because I'm pretty sure that he hasn't any other friends besides his team mates. 

"Only if you want to be friends with me. Some people don't want to have anything to do with me and maybe you don't want either." I said and I was suddenly pulled in a tight hug.

"Of course that I want you to be my friend. You saved me and even Marx said that you feel like a nice person and I can feel it too!" he said and I hugged him back. 

"So, you are the great Shadow everyone talks about, huh?" Luxurio asked and I pulled back from Lytton's hug.

I averted my gaze and got up. "Yeah, do you have a problem with that?"

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