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'' anyway guys have you already saw the trending news today? '' he told

'' not yet, what is it? '' mel asked curiously while me on the other hand doesn't paying attention to what jason was saying.

'' here look '' he extends his arm to get a better view of his phone '' Adrienne was caught by a paparazzi kissing a girl  maybe her girlfriend ''

hearing what he just said, I yanked his phone from his hand and see it myself.

'' hey S why you taking it away from us. I want to see it too '' mel exclaimed trying to peek in the photo.

My eyes got wide and my heart continuously thumping so hard. The photo that was captured was me and adrienne kissing on the beach last two weeks ago, we've been so cautious everytime we go out, so how does this thing happened? ''

'' S are you okay? '' jana looked at me worriedly

'' y....yes '' I answered feeling cold.

'' can I take a look? '' she said grabbing her boyfriend's phone out from my hand.

'' The other girl couldn't be identify but this is surely Adrienne ''

'' maybe that's Natalia '' mel commented still looking at the picture.

'' no that's impossible because during that time natalia was on paris, so surely that's not her '' jason exclaimed holding his chin.

'' omg I want to know who's her girlfriend, that's hot! '' mel told shaking her body  '' isn't it S ''  she added.

'' huh??? ''

'' hello Skylar Aevery, why are you like spaced out? ''

'' I'm sorry mel I'm just not feeling well ''

ofcourse I'm not, how could we be so lax.., what if they pictured it showing my face??? god I'm doomed !!

'' do you want  to go to the clinic and rest? '' jana asked touching my chin.

'' No that's not necessary but thank you ''

'' you sure? ''

'' yes don't worry ''

'' okay, so come on? our class will start soon ''  and I nodded.

The rumor about Adrienne's girlfriend spread like a fire in and out of the campus. The news in television was all about it and they even tried to get an exclusive interview with her, but as a celebrity kaia handles everything in place and answer all the querries confidently. She told that it was just a dare and nothing more, and as of now she doesn't have a girlfriend or anyone else in her life.

Some believed in her lies but mostly became more eager to know the real story, once a paparazzi will always be a paparazzi - that's the reality.

So kaia's manager add the number of her bodyguards and she became more careful on her every moves.


( phone ringing )

S - hello?

K - hi have you seen the picture?

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora